Ch 9

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So people are starting to ay that they are obsessed with this story, and I am very happy to know that you guys love it so much, and ow, lets get on with the story.

Itadori POV

Once we got back to the dorms Sukuna got out (srry to me that sounds really weird) I went to the kitchen and I got something to eat because before we bumped in to Takashi we were heading to go and get some food because we all were hungry and now that I left them I have to make something to eat, " Hey Sukuna do you want something to eat wile I am in the kitchen " I yell but not very loud but loud enough for him to hear me from my room " sure what are you making " he says coming out of my room without a shirt " well I am going to make- " I almost got done saying before I noticed he had no shirt " w-why don't you have a shirt on I know you just had one on not even 5 minutes ago " I say looking away from him " well I got hot so I took it off, so what were you going to say " he said walking over to me " w-well I w-was going t-to make some c-castella w-would you w-want some " I stuttered " mhm sure I will take some " he said waling away back in to the room.

After I made the cake I brought two slices in to the room for the both of us, " mhmm this is really good, did you learn to make this by your self or did someone teach you " Sukuna said with a mouth full of cake " um my grandfather taught me, well you know before he had to go to the hospital and all " I say poking at my cake then eat some of it " well he taught you how to make some delicious cake " he said stuffing the rest of it in his mouth, all I di was chuckle a bit because he kind of looked like a chipmunk " what are you laughing at " he said with a pouting face " I am laugh at how much you look like a chipmunk right now " I say getting up to put my plate on to the nightstand to be picked up later " Itadori, do you love me " I was caught off guard by what he said from out of nowhere, and I just pause to process what he had just said, and I am pretty sure I fainted because I didn't remember anything from the next 5 minutes because it was pitch black. " Itadori, Itadori wake up " I started to wake up to the sound of Sukuna' s voice " mhm what happened " I look at him to see him just starring at me for no reason " I asked you do you love me and then you got all flustered and then just fainted and you didn't answer " he sounded really serious and sad at the same time, and I didn't like his tone of voice so I gave him a kiss to answer his question " w-what was that for " he said looking really red " that was to answer your question I said getting of f of the ground and back on to the bed, " wat I don't know maybe you should do it again " he said getting up " no I am really tired so I am going to go to bed right now I will talk to you tomorrow " I say laying down on my side of the bed " fineee " he whined getting in to bed " stop whining and go to bed " I say grabbing the blanket.

Imma stop there, I don't really have anything to say to you guys this time and right now I am feeling really lazy so I am going to try and go to bed, so bye

The total is : 700 Words in all

Sukuna x Itadori Where stories live. Discover now