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OK before I start, I am so sorry for not updating in like three weeks, I have been going to new school and I needed some time to get adjusted to the new system, my cat died the other day, and I have to walk home and when I get home I am tired and I just don't feel like doing anything, but anyway lets get on to the story.

Itadori POV (like always)

The next day I waited to be fully awake after 10 minutes of being awake I was about to get up to go get something to eat because my team asked me to go out and eat breakfast with them but for some reason I said no, and then I realized that Sukuna was not next to me and so I got up to look for him before I got something to eat, I looked all in my room but he was not there so after I was fully awake I got up and started to look for him. I couldn't find him in my room so I ended up going to look for him in the hall, I did find him and he was in the kitchen... cooking, " I didn't know that you could cook " I say walking up from behind him, I guess I scared him a bit because he jumped when I started to talk " o-oh its just you, I thought it was somebody else " he said turning around " that would've been bad if somebody saw you, if it were Gojo he might've exercised you or something" I saw his hand go slid a bit on to the stove and eventually it got to the burner " ouch. ow ow ow ow ow ow " he said holding his hand and blowing on it to cool it down " bahahahahahaha " I ended up on the floor because I was laughing so hard and I could tell that he started to get a bit mad but not really mad more of a playful mad. After about 3 minutes of m laughing on the ground he had finished the breakfast for the both of us. When he mad the plates and sat the on the table I got of the floor and sat down with him at the table and started to eat.

Third person POV

After 15 minutes they were done eating and they went back to Itadori 's room like usual and then Sukuna asked " hey why cant you friends know about me, I mean we have been doing this for like 2 weeks so far and I am starting to think we should tell them " Sukuna said looking about at Itadori with his legs Chris-crossed and his hands on his ankles, " why should we tell them, things are going good so far " Itadori look up from his phone " because what you said of what you said earlier" he said " what did I say " Itadori started to sit up " you said something like what if someone else besides you saw me, I would have gotten hurt if it were Gojo "-Sukuna, " you do have a point there, but what if they don't like what is happening and they have a bad reaction "- Itadori " since when did you ever thing about the consequences of your actions "- Sukuna " you do have another point there, I guess its worth a shot to tell them about you "- Itadori " ok then should we tell them tomorrow "- Sukuna " before we make it official that we are doing it tomorrow we have to ask them when we can have a little meeting, ok "- Itadori "ok will do"- Sukuna.

Itadori POV

After maybe 20 minutes of talking with Sukuna in my room I finally got up to look for my team because they had just come back from having breakfast in town. The first person that I found was Gojo because he was in the Kitchen and so I asked him if I could have a meeting with him and the rest of the team tomorrow and he said yes because we didn't have any assignments for tomorrow. The second person that I found was Megumi because I looked in his room knowing that he would be in there on his phone, and then I asked him about the meting tomorrow and he said that he could go but it would have to be after 8:00 because he had to go and visit a family member because it was their birthday tomorrow. And last but not least I found Nobara in her room trying on some outfits because she forced Megumi to go shopping with her (you already know that Gojo was down before Nobara even said anything) and she bought herself and the other boys and me some new outfits to wear the next time we go out. After getting her attention from tying on the outfits I asked her about the meeting tomorrow and she said that she could make it ad then asked me where it would be happening, " we will just have the meeting in the kitchen when everybody except our team is in the dorms, because I wanna ask or more of tell you guys something important and I don't want everybody to know just yet " I said to her " oh ok then, will there e snacks at the so called 'meeting' " she asked " if you want to bring some you have to bring enough for everybody ok " she nodded.

Well that is all for today, I have a test for school tomorrow and I need to make sure I don't fall asleep and I hope that you guys enjoyed this part since I have not posted in a while, and let me know if you guys have any suggestions, oh and to the person who said something like 'did a 12 year old write this' first of all if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it and you need to mind your own business and not worry about my age and worry about yourself, and to those who actually like my stories, thank you for being nice. and I hope hat you have a great day or night.

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Sukuna x Itadori Where stories live. Discover now