Might end

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So I was reading the comments of the Introduction and some of yall are being fucking straight up rude:

1. haikyuu_lovey_dovey

2. yoongisbigphatcock

3. crunchypotato

4. Marely1212

5. holavaleriee


Here are some from the second chapter


2. najmashk

3. idkeiwjs

Some from the fourth chapter

1. yukkbrianna

2. najimshk

Some from the sixth chapter

1. yoongisbigphatcock

2. najimashk

Some from the fifteenth chapter

1. crunchypotato

2. yukkbrianna

And I just thought to myself 'if yall are telling me to stop writing this all the way in to the fifteenth chapter, why yall still reading' if you guys think it is disgusting, weird, not right, THEN JUST LEAVE.

Take a few seconds to notice that it is just those people, one comment said they were looking for a Sukuna x reader, did you read the title, because if not it says Sukuna x Itadori, and for those people who said things like 'you SHOULD end this' or 'give the phone back to your mother' or 'whoever wrote this deserves jail time' I said it once and I will say it again, if you don't like it stop reading it and leave, Tbh its not that hard -_-,how would you like it if someone went on to one of your stories and started saying that you should stop this, ew this is disgusting, you wouldn't like it now would you.

And one more thing, thanks to the people who actually like my story and think I should keep going, but I think that I might end it, sorry. And to the people who are being mean, since I am a nice person, don't be ashamed of who your are, that's your parents job :)

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