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The scene begins in the classroom where Genji is going over a history lesson with them. Today's topic was over the first weapons and meisters who fought for power, and eventually lead to the birth of the Kishin. He soon comes to the topic about souls, which brought some interesting information.

Genji: as many of you know, a person's soul reflects based on their personality and heart. Should that start to change, so will the soul. A prime example of this is the Kishin. Their souls begin just as human as you and I. But, when consuming the human soul, they become warped and twisted. Now, we'll be looking at other ways the soul can be used: a special sixth sense. This can be used in forms like the Soul Resonance techniques. But, it also help as a powerful aspect in battle and in life.

Maka: (raises her hand) Mr. Shimada, if something like that were possible, wouldn't it take years of practice to master a skill such as that?

Genji: you're quite right, Maka. (Looks to Cole) Cole, would you care to give a demonstration?

Cole: yes sir.

He stands up, and goes to the front of the classroom. Focusing his energy, he creates enough power to actually show his soul. By doing so, they saw that at first it was small, but it's suddenly expanded out like a shockwave. This showed he used his seismic sense to see around. A short while later, they saw him enter a darkened room with no lights on, and a camera shown in night vision. Everyone was amazed to see Cole navigate his way easily in the room, avoiding obstacles, and attacking training dummies.

Genji: as you can see, Cole's able to use his soul wavelengths to tell his surroundings despite the lack of sight. By practicing techniques like this can help one's lost of a sense, whether it be sight, sound, smell, feel, and many more.

Cole soon finishes the demonstration and returns back to the room. Around the time, the bell rings, signaling the end of the day. With that done, Cole and Genji soon returned home where Ann and Angela were waiting for them.

Angela: hello, dear.

Genji: hello, my angel. (Kisses her) how'd work go?

Angela: primary job, the usual as always. At the school, pretty mellow aside from doing a check up on Maka.

Ann: is she okay?

Angela: well, I wasn't able to find anything that looked to be black blood. So, as far as we can tell, she's alright.

Ann: I swear we saw droplets of the stuff when she coughed.

Angela: I believe you, Ann. My best guess is that since Soul'd been exposed to it, when they triggered Soul Resonance, it caused the blood to get infected into her body.

Ann: (sighs) if I was better that night, or if she had listened to me, none of this wouldn't have happened.

Genji: you can't dwell on the past, Ann. Doing so will only keep you from progressing further. Have I not taught you that?

Ann: right. Sorry, Mr. Shimada.

Genji: it is alright.

Angela: as long as your sister is in good health, then it'll be alright. I only wish Naigus was able to work in more sifts instead of Medusa.

Ann: not liking Dr. Medusa?

Angela: not so much as like, but rather trust. Something about that woman isn't right, and neither is the events that have been happening. I worry for what this could mean.

Cole: yeah. And, I've been thinking more and more about the brief witch presence I felt.

Ann: that was weeks ago. Why haven't you moved on yet?

The Blind Meister (Soul Eater OC story) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now