Chapter 11

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"I am second in command of this tribe and I say that he shall leave immediately!" She yelled.

"And if you don't want him to go by himself, you can join him anytime!" She added with a sinister smile.


My jaw dropped in horror. "But... but Tani!" I started. My best friend gave me a cold stare.

"No Kala. You have joined them by mating with this stranger. Therefore you can no longer stay with the tribe." Her eyes glistened as she said the next words. "You are banished from the Tree forever."

I leaped at her, but was held back by Petra and Kamel. "Kala don't." Pleaded Petra. "She might hurt you like last time, and trust me, no one wants that anymore than we do."

Tears sprung out of my eyes as I stared at the whole tribe, and they stared back at me with cold stares. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to find Thomas, looking very pale and a few unshedded tears in his eyes told me he had heard everything. "Let's go, Thomas." I told him, my chin held high.

We left the tribe, the Tree, and my family. And I'm regretting every single thing. We stayed in silence as we walked back to Thomas's campsite. Right now that was the only pace of refuge.

It was empty when we came upon the campsite. The hunters were no where near, and the fire looked as if it had been burned out many, many hours ago.

"That's funny." Said Thomas, scratching his chin. "Bruce and Wayne should've been here ages ago."

Why he would say this is funny, I have no idea, because by the looks of it, this was not funny at all. It's not even a joke!

"Why don't we go look around for them?" I suggested. That's when I remembered, I am basically banished from the forest for the rest of my life.

Thomas seemed to remember that too. But he did something that really freaked me out. He put his arms around my shoulders and gave them a tight squeeze.


I stood up in an instant. "What do you think you're doing?" I hissed at him. His eyes widened in fear. "I was just giving you a hug." He explained.

I squinted my eyes at him, as the alien word escaped my lips. "What's a hug?" I asked. He let out a laugh before he stared at me in silence. "You seriously don't know what a hug is?" I shook my head.

He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "How do I explain what a hug is?" He thought aloud. He stood for a moment, trying to think. Then he snapped his fingers and said,"Eureka!"

"A hug is when someone puts their arms around you and it is full of affection. Like a carress. Or a kiss." He explained.

By now I sort of knew what a hug was, but there was something else that was sort of bothering me.

"Alright, so now I know what a hug is. But what's a kiss?"

Thomas's cheeks were suddenly flushed with the brightest pink I've ever seen. "I'll explain that to you later."

His pink cheeks just added on how cute he is. "M-Maybe I should go look for B-Bruce and W-Wayne while you s-stay h-here and w-watch the c-campsite. Ok?" He stuttered.

I gave him a nod a security. "I'll be fine Thomas! Don't worry about me."

He have me a small smile before turning to leave. He didn't go very far before he turned around and ran towards me. He gently put his lips onto my cheek, and I felt tingles running through my body.

"That's a kiss." He said, before disappearing into the jungle.

I placed my hand where his lips had been only moments ago. And I let out a sigh of content.

At least I was able to before I got hit in the head.

I saw two pairs of human eyes before everything went black.


Wassup?! I know you want to kill me very badly, but you can't! I've been sick for quite a while. Not to mention the lot of school I've had to catch up on. QOTD: are you more of a kiss or a hug? I'm probably a kiss.

Peace out!! Wave (=*•*=)

The Island Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن