Chapter 7

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I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the heart of the jungle, were my friends and his fate rested.


"Ok. So, before you meet my friends, I'm just gonna warn you, they are really, really loud. And also really overprotective. And not to mention stranger-haters. But don't worry, as long as I'm next to you they won't be a bother."

Thomas gulped down his worry.

"Oh really?" His voice squeaked about three octaves higher than it usually was.

"Of course! I'm technically a child still, I haven't even had my joining of the tribe ceremony." I stated.

We raced through the many trees in the enormous jungle, but only one of them was home to me. We leaped and jumped and ran over the trees' roots as they stuck up out of the ground, shooting in different directions.

Pretty soon we made it to the Tree. But Thomas looked like he was going to pass out from exhaustion. I, on the other hand, had made it to the tree in perfect condition, not even running short of breath. But then again, I have been running this path for the past thirteen years.

Aurora came running up to meet us. "Kala, we-" She stopped short. She gave a glance to the male human behind me, and looked me in the eye.

"Kala. What is that doing here?" She hissed in between her teeth.

"Ummm. He saved me. The others-" Aurora let out a furious bark.

"Others?!" She cried. I winced at her voice. "No! Take him back immediately! I will not take this silly matter to Omsk and you know it." She demanded.

I was going to do as she said, until I heard the old orangutan's voice myself.

"What is all the fuss about, dears?" Omsk questioned. She slowly looked up at me then at Thomas, then back at me.

Then her old monkey face grew into a joyous smile. "Well would you look at that! There's another Kala, but only it's a male! Maybe she won't be the only single creature on the island now!"

She let out a laugh, and my lips slowly stretched into a wide grin.

I turned around to give Thomas a hug, but I didn't end up giving him a hug. All because he was standing there with his eyes, as well as his mouth wide open.

"Thomas?" I asked. "Is something wrong?"

He let out a breath and looked at me. Then he said something I never thought he'd say.

"The animals. They speak English."


Wassup?! Soooooooooo, what did you think of this chapter? I think it was pretty good if I do say so myself. I should be getting a cover soon (hopefully). Please comment, vote, and go to Europe with me!!

Peace out!! Wave (=*•*=)

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