Chapter 10

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If anything, that was Tani. But I also knew that sound wasn't her happy roar.

It was a dangerous one.


I ran so fast I was worried that my legs would fall off. I could hear Thomas running behind me, panting heavily as he tried to catch up to me. But at the moment I honestly hoped he would burn in hell! After all he told me my parents died without giving me a little heads-up! That was totally uncalled for.


My mind was flying a lot slower than my body, which happened to be going so fast that I whizzed past all the familiar trees of home. 'Oh no!' I thought. 'If Tani hurts one of them, she'll be in such big trouble!'

You see, when Tani gets upset, her mind leaves her body and what's in her place is a very angry female tiger. That's why we have to make Tani happy, without making her spoiled. Last time she did this... Let's just say that someone got really hurt. So hurt that they almost died.

I turned a sharp corner to reach the Tree in time. And what I saw broke my heart.

Tani had a paw on Aurora's neck as if strangling her. All the little ones were huddled close to Omsk, afraid of this monster, who was naturally their friend. Trust me when I say, you'll never be truly frightened if you haven't seen Tani really upset.

"What do you mean she joined the strangers?! She would never do anything like that to us! You liar!" Growled Tani. She put more weight on Aurora's throat, and everyone gasped.

Ok, so at least I knew the topic of this conversation! "Tani! That is enough! What do you think you're doing?!" I screeched at her. I ran over to her side, trying to get her massive weight off of my friend who could be nearly dead.

Her pupils returned to their normal size and she stumbled around as if she suddenly go treally dizzy. She stared at me, recognizing me as soon as she saw me. "Kala?" She asked in a hushed tone. "What happened?"

My nostrils flared in rage. My eyes widened in disbelief. And my mouth just couldn't stay closed.

"What do you mean 'What happened?!' You almost killed Aurora! That's what happened! You have to learn to control your anger better! I think we all remember what happened last time you got upset!" Here she hung her head, in regret. I probably am scarred the most from last time, and she knew it.

"What did she say to you that made you turn..." I was unable to find the right word as my body shook in anger. "Evil?" I finished.

Tani looked me in the eye and said,"She told me that you were with the strangers. I thought she was joking. But she said you refused to leave him, so I got very angry. Then she said you betrayed us all."

I looked around the now ginormous crowd to find my so-called friend but Aurora was nowhere to be seen. Gee, I felt so loved at the moment!

"But now I see she was correct." Finished Tani. I looked up at her in disbelief. 'What do you mean she was right? I am no stranger to you!" I exclaimed.

"You may not be, but he is." Said Tani. She nodded behind me, and almost forgot about Thomas. Apparently he had been behind me the whole time. Which I forgot. So I didn't really almost forget him. I did forget him.

"You don't know if he's trouble." She said in a very mysterious voice. One that I had never heard her use.

"He has done no wrong, and he doesn't want any trouble!"

"I am second in command of this tribe and I say that he shall leave immediately!" She yelled.

"And if you don't want him to go by himself, you can join him anytime!" She added with a sinister smile.


Wassup?! Ok so I know you guys mmust be somewhat upset at me for not updating, but I will update soon enough. So don't kill me if you want the updates. QOTD: What's been your favorite chapter so far? Comment, vote, and enjoy my stories for a really long time. P.S. Tell your friends!

Peace out!! Wave (=*o*=)

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