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His is my second story that I am writing at the moment. But please by all means comment, vote and check out my other story if you want, it's called Traumatized. I will be updating this story slightly less often than my other one. So enjoy.



The rain wouldn't stop pouring over the deck. The servants slipping and sliding about, one of them falling into the deadly waves of the ocean below.

"Katrina!" Cried my mother, her royal gowns drenched from the rain and the sea water splashing against her feet. She kneeled down to my tiny height pulling the wet hair away from my face. "Whatever you do don't ever give up!" She said.

"Miranda!" Yelled my father. He came running across the wet floor, trying to keep both me and my mother in his arms. "Daddy!" I cried out to him. His crown had fallen off of his royal head when he had tripped over the ropes in attempt to reach us.

"It's alright, kitten. The storm will be over and we will be home before you know it." He said trying to keep our hearts in good spirit. He smoothed out my dripping wet hair as I quietly weeped in my mother's arms.

Suddenly there was a loud crash and a bolt of lightening hit the mast right behind us. I let out a scream as my father fell to the ground. "Anthony!!" My mother screeched. She ran over to his side just as the mast began to crack. I stood there, too scared to move.

The middle of the ship began to crack. It was sinking into the ocean as the side ends of the boat grew taller and taller. I jumped off of the ship in a matter of seconds. But my child brain just couldn't comprehend what was going on around me.

I screamed for my mother and father, in the middle of the ocean, with no land in sight, and no person listen to my pleas of help. I was alone and I was going to die, at the young age of 5 years.


I woke up what felt like minutes later, but I had already washed ashore and it was bright and sunny outside. I coughed up some water that had been stuck, when I heard some rustling noises.

I got up from my spot on the sand and went in search for the noise.

After walking for what seemed like hours, but was probably minute, I came across some bushes, and beyond them was breathtaking. There was a waterfall with a small lake around the bottom. There were all kinds of plants and flowers.

And the animals were of all shapes and sizes. The hippopotami were all underwater probably taking their mid-afternoon nap. The birds all gathered up in the vines above the peaceful water. A few monkeys chittered in the trees above probably looking at the curious sight of me.

It all seemed so serene. Well at least that's what I thought before a horse came running out of nowhere. As I approached the magnificent creature, it reared up on its hind legs, growing to an enormous size. I quickly backed away, sitting on my bum, crying at the scary moment that had just happened to me.

But that soon went away when a curious chimpanzee, gave a furious glare to the horse, and came over to me. It patted my head as if I were some animal (ironically) and say down beside me. The horse came as well softly nudging my head, as if apologizing.

I giggled a bit, completely forgetting that the horse had scared me not even minutes before. That's what happens when you have the mind of a 5-year old. Then a tiger cub came out of nowhere and playfully pounced on the chimp.

The chimp chittered and chattered at the baby tiger and shook its finger at its face. The tiger cub, oblivious that the monkey had just cursed at him, jumped into my lap. I pet it's head as it laid down, took a big yawn, and put its head down, fast asleep.

I stayed with these funny, and friendly creatures for the rest of my life. They taught me to speak their language, and they would help me survive in exchange for my friendship.

My friends: Tani, the tiger; Petra, the chimpanzee; and Kamel, the horse. I now have a friend in each of these animals.


WASSUP?! This is my second story. If you want to check out my other story, Traumatized its awesome, if I do say so myself. I am homeschooled so I should be able to update both stories in orderly fashion. Please vote and comment, and tell me what you think, and do you think maybe you guys could make me a cover? For this story or Traumatized or both!!

Peace out!! Wave (=**=) it's a cat sorta

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