Chapter 6

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"And were the rumors correct?"

"There were exact."


I let out a short breath of excitement, as our two bodies had become extremely close. I gazed into his beautiful ocean-blue eyes, and raised an eyebrow.

"Exact?" I questioned.

"Very exact. So damn exact that I couldn't just leave the poor lass to live here."

My bright smile came down slightly. "You want to take me with you to your home?" I asked, wondering why he would want me to go.

Thomas' smooth pink lips let out a soft chuckle. "Well, you do live here on the island alone, right?"

I let out a laugh. "Of course not, silly. I live here with my friends." I took a few steps without Thomas to see if my feet had returned to normal.

"Wait! There are others?" He asked, his eyebrows all scrunched together in a cute way, his eyes full of excitement.

"Why wouldn't there be? You honestly didn't think I had grown up on my own , without anyone to care for me, did you?" The silence told me everything.

My heart filled with quiet anger. "Oh. I see how it is." I said, my voice cracking a bit. I lifted my head up and walked outside of the tent.

Those two men that had injured me were outside it, but they didn't notice me until Thomas came out, running after me.

"Well then I'll just be out of your way. Back to being the helpless little girl that's alone on the whole island of Sallom!" I exclaimed very loudly.

"Kala, I'm sorry!"

Those three words stopped my every move. I turned around slowly, tears brimming my eyes. "What did you say?" I let in a whisper.

"I said I'm sorry." Thomas looked like he was about to cry himself. With his big blue eyes and my softened soul, I didn't have the heart to turn him down.

I ran forward and wrapped my arm around his neck, giving him a hug. "Thank you! Not many have said the word sorry to me." He pulled away.

"Well what do you say then?" He asked, wiping the tear stains from my cheeks.

"We say, 'Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?' But sorry isn't in most of our vocabularies." I informed him.

"I wish I could meet these friends of yours." Thomas said sadly.

I thought to myself for a moment. Good things that could happen: he could meet my friends, he could become part of the tribe. Bad things that could happen: he could get kicked out, he could be killed, they might take it the wrong way and think he's my mate.

Oh well! I didn't care and apparently neither did Thomas.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the heart of the jungle, were my friends and his fate rested.


Wassup?! So I was able to update twice tonight! WOOHOO! I have 36 reads on this story! That might not be a lot to most people but I recently started this and it's already getting popular! Please vote and comment to make me feel better about my writing! Love you guys!

Peace out!! Wave (=*•*=)

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