Chapter 12

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At least I was able to before I got hit in the head.

I saw two pairs of human eyes before everything went black.


Everything was dark. I heard movement coming from my right but I couldn't see what was making the noise.

Well, maybe it would help if I opened my eyes! Good thinking!

My eyes cracked open just a bit to let them adjust to the light seeping in. There really wasn't much to adjust to because the room wasn't bright at all.

It was a very plain room, only had one bed and one... What is it called again? Oh! Right! A dresser. I think it's supposed to be filled, is it? Something like that.

One of the bald-headed men that was with Thomas, was making the rustling sound. I stayed in silence as I inspected him.

One word to describe him: Ugly. He had a cleanly shaven face, no hair whatsoever on his head or on his face. He did have a scar that ran down one of his extremely dark eyes. He had very broad shoulders and bulky arms. His hands were about the size of my head, if not bigger. His foot was probably as proportionally as 2 of my heads. Yes, it was that big!

But the worst thing about him was that there were two of him. Not literally, but him and his just as ugly twin brother.

His brother probably had 15 more scars than his brother. But his hands where slightly smaller, as were his feet.

"What are we going to do with it?" One of them asked.

I held in a gasp. Were they talking about me? If they were, I am a she, not an it.

"We could probably kill it and sell the animal hide."

Wait a minute, I don't have animal fur, so it couldn't possibly be me they were talking about.

I stretched upwards, trying to see if there was any other living life form that they had captured here. I almost let out a cry as I saw what one of the men held in his hands.

It was Lino, the young zebra that Omsk had been with earlier today. Was it even the same day? It sure didn't feel like it.

The young zebra's head was bobbling up and down, and I prayed to the Mangoes that Lino was sleeping, unconscious, anything but dead. As if hearing my thoughts Lino kicked his hoof, as if dreaming about running.

Oh Lino, if only we could run now!

I was thinking about ways to escape and maybe, just maybe, take Lino with me, when one of the men spoke. "Bring me the girl and see if she'll take our offer."

I immediately dropped my head, and pretended to start snoring. It may sound a bit ridiculous, but at this point I would take anything life throws at me.

The bald headed man started shaking me violently and yelling,"Wake up!! Wake up!" I pretended to wake up with a start and widened my eyes as his hideous face was mere inches from mine.

"We have an offer to make with you." He said, yellow teeth and bad breath instantly getting my senses fired up.

"You can either stay here and let your zebra friend go..." I shook my head. There has to be some other way. "Or you can leave and your little pal here will be in the cook's tacos tomorrow night."

I felt tears welling up at the deduction I would have to make that would change my life forever.


Wassup?! Ok so I have updated Traumatized and I'm updating The Island Girl now. I'm also gonna start a goal, before I update. Goal for this because I know I can do it.

5 votes, 2 comments. C'mon people!! I know we can do this! QOTD: what would you guys think if I started a new book?

Peace out!! Wave (=*•*=)

P.S. The kitty's name is Marie Antoinette Victoria Giovanna Viscardi III

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