Chapter 1

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"Come on, Tani! We can't keep them waiting." I yelled at her, as she ran across the jungle floor. Her long legs, flowing with black stripes, sure were a lot faster than mine. But I could climb trees, and Tani couldn't.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Were the words coming out of her furry mouth. She was panting like crazy to reach the lake.

Confused? I'll show you why.


5 hours earlier

"Wow! I can't believe it's already my stripe day." Exclaimed Tani. We had been splashing around in the ocean water, but had come to lie down in the sand, which isn't really the best thing to do when you are wet.

When it's a tiger's stripe day, the whole island (of animals) comes to see that tiger joins the adults. Technically Tani is only child, she isn't an adult. But she will be in a few hours.

"H-h-hey-y g-guys-s! D-don't you-ou ha-ave to g-get r-read-dy?" Called our friend Kamel. He was a beautiful black stallion, and there were many mares on the island for him, but he has one tiny problem. He stutters a lot. He's also a few years older than us, but we don't mind.

"It's alright Kamel!" I said, as my arms and feet moved swiftly up a palm tree. "We're almost-" I was cut off by the sound of yelling. 'Oh no!' I thought. 'What if the animals are having a fight and Petra gets in it?'

But that thought soon diminished when Petra came swinging off of the branches from the jungle and was headed towards me. "Kala! Thank mangos, you're alright!"

"Shut up!" Roared Tani to the mystery voice. They must have ran off because after she roared the voices silenced.

At least that's what I thought, until I saw a ship. The actual boat itself was mad of dark wood, and a very big boat at that. The sails were a vibrant green, covering the mast and the crow's nest. This ship must be like the others. They just circle the island in hopes of seeing some new animal, but we are smarter than that. We hide in the middle of the island, away from the strangers.

"Petra! Are you seeing this?" I whispered to her. She nodded her head with look of fear in her eyes. "Tani! Kamel! Do you see that ship, over there?" I asked pointing my finger in its direction. Kamel reared up and screamed, then he ran away.

Tani, on the other hand, roared at the ship, in hope of it turning away and not coming towards the island. If anything it did the opposite of what she hoped. The ship turned toward the sound of Tani's roar.

"Ugh! They'll never accept me into the tribe, after I brought humans here!" She cried. "Well there's only one thing we can do." I told her as I climbed down the tree.

She turned her orange and black striped head my way. "And what's that?" She asked. I turned her way and gave her a small smile. "Tell Omsk, and pray to the mangos that they will leave us in peace, and hopefully forever."


Hullo, there!! I am updating now, because I won't have another chance to update it today, unless it's late at night. But my parent would kill me, so... Yeah. Anywho, please vote and comment, and make me a cover for my stories because I'm shit at making them. First person to vote OR comment will get a dedication.

Peace out!! Wave (=*•*=) that looks more like a cat

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