Chapter 4

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I lept out of the tree, away from my home and my family. Hopefully I won't get injured and I won't be killed.


I ran. I ran long, far, and hard. Until I came across the humans. They had weapons, which I have to tell you, I wasn't expecting.

I crawled closer and closer to them, leaving soft footprints behind. I don't think I was quiet enough, because one of them slowly turned around, weapon in hand, and took aim right in front of me. I was hidden though.

I could tell he was about to shoot when he clicked something on the long stick.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Cried a voice. "You aren't supposed to be disturbing the wildlife here. I hired you for protection, not hunting skills."

It was HIM. The male from the encounter.

"Your Highness, you ordered us for protection, yes, but what about food?" The other inquired. The boy/man frowned. "I do hope you know, I'm a vegetarian."

The other two gulped in fright. They looked at each other, almost as if speaking a silent language, then turned back to Your Highness and nodded.

"Good. We understand one another. Now go scout some more."

"Yes Your Highness." Said the two in perfection syncopation.

I followed them, curious of what they were going to go do, without any caution. My hands trembled in fear for, with these people, it's the closest I've ever been being this close to a human.

I had almost reached the stick when the human turned around, way too quickly, pulled out the stick and pulled the loop. I immediately felt a searing pain through my arm. I let out a screech of pain, my arm held close to my chest.

Blood was gushin out from my wound and I felt light-headed. Pretty soon I had dropped down on the ground, my mind no longer in control if my body as my eyes slowly closed shut.

The last thing I say was worried eyes looking straight into mine.


Wassup!! Ok so this is probably one of the first ACTUAL cliffhangers I have ever done. Hope you liked it. I won't be able to update for a few hours because I have hybrid school now. But please vote, comment, and email me so I can be surprised and scream and fangirl all day!!

Peace out!! Wave (=*•*=)

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