A Widows Dance

13 1 0

Oh, to be weeping at your side whist your ghost plays piano in an empty Cathedral.

To slow dance with you, your hand holding my spine firmly as I wrap my arms around the perplexed air.

We spin with grace as your ghost plays the soothing melodies of a lovers first dance.

Wind leaking through the stained glass flows between our movements, caressing the two souls that twist with ever growing ecstacy.

And with that last key that rings off of the walls of this ballroom, I spin alone.

The corners of my blackened gown long for me to be still.

The dance of a lifetime shared now becomes one unaccompanied by you.

The howling of the wind matches the mourns of my heart as our melody plays like a broken record in my mind.

A reminder only that you are not here but that you are nearby.

Even in death.

I Have More Than A Perfect FigureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon