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I am an intelligent young woman.

I am a wise old soul in a young body.

I am a beautiful woman who holds her chin high above the choking waves.

But the truth is, I am a scared little girl.

I am fearful for other women.

I am fearful for the girls that feel the crushing pressure of self image.

I am fearful for the boys that have adapted to violence and loneliness.

I am fearful for the mothers losing their babies to this cold, cruel way of the world.

I am fearful for the creatures of our planet that aren't being heard but they beg for help.

I fear that this world of mine is sorrowful.

I mourn over what this world has become.

Where is the peace?

Where is the hope we all once had when we were toddlers?

Why have our eyes dried?

Are we desensitized to the damaged society caused by the people?

I am frightened.

I Have More Than A Perfect FigureHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin