2001 - 2068

46 2 0

The moment that we are born, our bodies start dying.

Time is like a game of tag.

The slight difference is that when you say "T", it won't give you a break and let you catch your breath.

Death is sewn onto the soles of our feet.

It's always too close for comfort.

In each young heart lies a decrepit soul waiting for the right time to reveal itself.

There will be a time when tomorrow won't turn into today.

When you blink your eyes slowly, everything around you will shift.

Colours will be a vibrant haze and once the body becomes tranquil, you'll become sunken.

A sunken soul seemingly floats in a still ocean of silence and peacefulness.

Tomorrow, I will learn from what I did today.

And the next day will be riddled with mistakes.

That's what I am still alive for.

New ways for me to find pathways around the obstacles that just don't seem to budge sometimes.

I will stay grounded in the earths surface.

I will surround myself with a layer of motivation.

I will keep walking because if I don't, time will catch up to me.

And once it does, I'll be it.

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