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As I walk in the room everyone goes quiet and I get pulled into a tight hug by Hyunjin, it feels nice.  "Ive got to be going okay? Call me or the others if you need anything and don't do anything stupid." Jackson says and steals me from Hyunjin for a hug. "Thank you Oppa, I really love you." I whisper while in the hug. "I know you do, who doesn't?" he says making me giggle. 

"I'll see you all later, Jyp said you guys have a few music shows this week." he says reminding me. I guess I will have to keep my happy face on the full time. Jackson quickly leaves, probably going to his booty call with one of the other guys.

As soon as the door closes the boys all stare at me as I just quickly sit down in silence. "I'm sorry for keeping you all awake. Go to bed guys, we have music shows all week." I say to them all with a fake smile. "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying a lot." Minho says earning a punch from Chan. 

"Yeh I was crying a bit, I feel better now though. I just went to see my sister and moms grave." I tell them still with a fake smile plastered on my face. "Oh sweetie come here."Chan says motherly like and I walk over to him, to be pulled into a hug that feels so warm and welcoming. 

"Everything is going to be okay Y/n, Johnny was so upset when he found out." he says whilst stroking my hair. "Well we have school in a few hours so we should get a little bit of sleep." I quickly say with my fake smile back on. 

"Okay well take tomorrow off and I'll stay home with you." Chan suggests cutely but Hyunjin looks annoyed. "I'll stay home with her hyung, you have your exams this week." he quickly says trying to get the good news. 

"Fine, but if you're staying here then Binnie is too." he suggests. "I'd love to stay with these cuties, but no nasty stuff or I might die." he says overdramaticly. "Now it's sorted everyone go to bed, in your own rooms." Minho says before running off to bed. 

I do as told and head upstairs to my bedroom, locking the door behind me. I quickly get changed into some comfier clothes to sleep in. I then realise I left my phone in my hoodie so I quickly get it out. 

Looking at it I see I have hundreds of missed calls and thousands of missed messages but the one that stood out to me is from Johnny:

 'Hey Y/n, I know you probably hate me so much right now and I would feel the exact same way in your position. I just wanted to say thank you for letting me finally have a sister to love and protect. I was waiting for years to tell you but dad banned me from telling you. I always had an emptiness in my heart but when I finally got you in my life, I finally feel complete. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me but I want you to know how sorry I am and how much I love you.' I read to myself which automatically brings me to tears. 

I felt complete seeing Johnny again and I trust he didn't know anything. I just feel so bad that he thinks I hate him, he's my twin. How could I possibly hate him?

*dms to johnny on insta*

                                                                   me: hey oppa, i got your messages. I don't hate you at all, it was just a lot to take in. I love you with all my heart too, please just don't keep anymore secrets from me.

johnnyjsuh:  im so glad y/n, i was so scared i was going to loose you and of course i won't keep anymore secrets. Oh also, Sooman hyung told me that we have to go to an award show together this weekend, the other guys will all be there but they also want us to take some pictures together. 

                                                                          me: hyunjin is going to hate having to watch that, but i mean quality twin time. I'm also not coming to school today.

johnnyjsuh: do u want me to stay with u today? 

                                                                                 me: its fine, thank you tho johnny. hyunjin and binnie are staying with me.

johnnyjsuh: okay i'll see you tonight then, we're performing our new song on the same show as u guys. 

me: that's cool, well see you then. i love you :)

johnnyjsuh: love you too, have a good rest <3

*end of dms*

I take one last look through my dms when I decide to try and get some sleep. I place my phone on charge and got comfortable, falling into a deep and peaceful sleep.

^time skip brought to u by JCC^

I wake up and look at my phone like always, shit. Its already 1pm? I never sleep till this late in the day. I don't bother to get changed out of my pjs so I just throw on a hoodie before heading downstairs. 

"Look who finally decided to come down." I hear Binnie say as I walk into the kitchen. "Haha very funny, I was just really tired." I say walking to the fridge. As I'm looking to see what I can cook, I feel some comforting arms wrap around my waist. 

"Hey sleepy head." he says cutely. I turn arounds so our faces are close while he still has his hands on my hips. "Can we order some food? i'm starving." I say to him sweetly and he just gently giggles. 

"Of course baby, but y-you have something on your lips." he says and I go to raise my hand to wipe whatever it is off but I feel his plump, soft lips against mine. Its a loving kiss and passionate. 

"Ew, you two need to stop it." Binnie says making us come apart. "Hyung, shut up just because your crush is at school." Hyunjin says making Changbin blush like crazy. "Who does Binnie like?" I say teasing him. 

"You know Wooyoung from Ateez?" Hyunjin says making Changbin hit him. I sit down next to Binnie and pretend to think. "Oh yeh, he's really hot. You have a good taste Binnie, but he's definitely dating San." I say earning Hyunjin to look shocked. 

"Did you just call another guy hot? Baby have you seen me?" he says making me and Changbin die of laughter. "I didn't say you aren't hot Jinnie." I say laughing at him more. "Why aren't you calling me baby?" he says pouting.

"Awww I'm sorry baby, I thought you preferred daddy." I say making him blush like crazy. "Please tell me that when u guys do stuff u use protection." Binnie buts in. "Of course, we can't have a mini me running around, what would people think of stray kids?" Hyunjin quickly says. 

"Oh yeh I forget to tell you, Jyp wants me and Johnny to get some photos together this weekend at the award show." I say casually. "Seriously? Thats so unfair." Hyunjin whines. "It's just some quality twin time whilst everyone thinks we are dating. I'm sure after we announce the 'breakup' we will be allowed to go public." I reassure you. 

The doorbell then rings and Changbin sprints, then returning with food. "When did you order that?" I ask him confused. "While u guys were making out, now eat up and after we will go live for stay." he says and we dig into the food. 

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