Chapter 7

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He had seen her glancing at Gavin and Tal, wondering if either of them would suddenly transform into a ferocious beast as well. It had been amusing to see her hide her curious glances. Although he would never admit such a thing, he had grown to tolerate the young chit. Her stubbornness suited her and was partly the reason she had survived the attack on her village. Any other girl would have accepted defeat and succumbed to her premature demise.

And now sitting beside her, he watched as she took in her surroundings. With training she would make a great scout, he thought. She was small, inconspicuous, and had average colouring. She was far from being a crowd stopping beauty but glancing at her, he thought she was not unpleasing to look at.

Shocked at the direction his thoughts had taken him, Hunter turned to Tal and Gavin.

"The crew never docks near land. They row to shore and always change their location. I have been trying to find a pattern, but it appears to be random. I'm going to need you to find out where they are docked."

He said the last sentence looking at Tal who widened her eyes.

"Find out where the ship is docked." He repeated himself.

He watched as Gavin smirked but the amusement in this situation was lost on him.

"I would but despite my otherworldly beauty, they won't talk to people like me. And the information you want is something these men would definitely keep to themselves if I ask."

She gestured to her tan skin and rapidly blinked her amber eyes. Her exotic features were intriguing, but she was correct, they would never tell her where they were docked. They were merchants from the Continent—they were notorious for being partial to local women.

But he needed to find out where the men were docked. Otherwise, the one chance of getting to Ilaburn would be lost. Crossing the Forboro Sea was a feat unto itself and without the proper vessel and trained crew, the rapids and rocks would shred a ship before it met any land.

Hearing a throat clear he looked to his right. Dawn was looking at him with a slight glint of mischief in her eyes.

The little chit had an idea.

"I think I can get the information you need."

Furrowing his eyebrows, he questioned how she would be able to persuade five men to tell her their ship's location.

"Despite being a mythical being, you are still as clueless as a human male."

Growling at her words he opened his mouth to argue but she abruptly she stood up and untied her cloak. Handing it to him she continued, "and all men, whether they be human or not, think the same."

She gave him her satchel and untying the first few bindings of her shirt stepped around Hunter and made her way to the rowdy men. He watched as she paraded around the table until one of the men took notice of her.

"My, my, my! Oh, fair maiden, will you bless us with your company?" The man howled and Hunter rolled his eyes at his words. But the voice that answered the man caught him by surprise.

"And what will you, fair gentleman, give me in exchange for my company?" She kept her distance, but from the angle, the man could see the gentle curve and milky skin of her shoulders.

Her entire persona had altered, gone was the fiery girl who only ever looked at the world with anger and doubt. In front of him was a young woman who smiled, laughed, and led the man on. Seeing the other men openly scan Dawn's body brought a growl to his mouth. Realizing she had their undivided attention, he watched her walk up to the men and ask in a quiet, suggestive voice, "I hear you are from the Continent. Would you gentleman be open to taking a couple people back with you?"

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