The Escape

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Beastboy's POV

"Nonononono..." I moan rocking on the floor. "Beastboy it is okay, we will find her," Robin reassures, "you don't understand,  it will be another Terra.  Why can't just live happily?" I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I feel someone lift me off the ground by my shirt, "Beastboy, get your shit together. Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and crying over Raven won't solve a damn thing so get your green ass up and let's find her!" Cyborg yells at me. I shake myself off. "I will search the corners and sky" I volunteer,  "Starfire, you search from the sky only, Cyborh walk around and search for her pulse, and I will look in the allys for possible enteryways." Robin orders everyone, then we start the search.

Raven's POV

I don't know how long I have been here, but I can guess at least 3 days. Why haven't my friends come to get me? Why hasn't Beastboy come? "Oh Raven, wake up!" Slade commands me. I obediently get up, I stopped disobeying him after he hit me so many times I could barely heal myself. He leads me to ghe normal room he does. It is just like the other rooms, rusty and black. He walks me to this big operating chair and lays me down. He leans down and gazes my cheek with his lips and bites my ear, then whispers "oh Raven, I swear this is the last I will do this, afterswards you will be dead," he grins then turns on the switch. He connects the wires to me and turns to get a blindfold, he always did this. I gather all the strenght I have left and when he came back I kicked, right where it would hurt. He groans and falls to the floor, I grab the blinfold and tie his hands together. I use the magic I have the pull the table over him and hold it there. "Not so strong now are you?" I sneer at him, "oh you wish this was the end" he retorks. I walk out after I make sure he is secure. I crawl out of the man-hole. "Owww" I moan as the light hit my eyes. I go up to fly but just I fall to the ground. I look around me to find we I am, but I don't remember anything. I reach for my communacator and remember that Slade haf crushed when I first went to grab it. "Well great" I say in my normal monotone voice. "Wow Raven, you don't sound one bit differnt", someone says from the shadows "who are you?" I demand, "oh you will find out" he calls fading away. What the azarth? I say to myself.  Then I start my journey back home.

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