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Raven's POV

What the fauq just happened? First, he kisses me then says he loves me? Nononono this can't be happening please! I scream to myself then the picture explodes next to me....surprise I think not. I walk to the common room to watch some tv. I sit down and see Cyborg in the garage.  Not sure what to do and bored oit of my mind I walk there instead. "Hey" I say to start a conversation. "Hey girl, whats up?" He asks. "Nothing really, just thoughy I could talk to you", I reply. "Come on Raven, Im your friend, what is bothering you?", "Beastboykissedmethensaidhelovedme!" I spit out. "Wait what? He kisses you!" I knew he liked you!" "Cyborg, he said Love!". "oh well, then he loves you" "come on, you know I can't love, do somthing. I am in my own love affairs I don't need more trouble!" I explain, "wait? Love affairs, okay tell me what is going on" he presses on. "I went to nevermore and love said that there is someone important to me, then I will love them or already do." "Well chika, you got some problems I admit. Haha if this helps its not me." He jokes, "you know that really does! That just leaves Beastboy and Robin," I say relieved. "Your welcome girl! Could you grab me the pliers though?" I hand them to him and walk out. I walk over the computers and what I am about to do gags me. I walk up and look up how to know you love someone. I shiver slightly then start to click on the results.

Beastboy's POV

Well that worked. I realky hope she liked that kiss I put alot work into it. I have liked her for so long, dreaming of those soft lips. Memorizing their shape, how they were constantly in a scowl or a slight smile mostly because I did somthing she could comment on.  Gawd I love her, I need to tell Star that so she can give me some advice to what or how I should take her on a date.  I walk up to the door and knock. Starfire opens the door and looks at me questionably "hi" I say embarrassed, "hi friend Beastboy, what duties do you have here?" She asks, "oh nothing I just wanted to ask how to take Raven on a date," I say truthfully. "Oh! Friend how joyful! I shall help you with the date! Follow!" She opens the door the rest of the way and walks into her room patting on the seat next to her. "I haven't liked anyone since...Terra" I choke out, "and I wanted to make this special unlike the others you know? And since you know her better and are a girl you could help. I already know what she likes sort of, she like to read and likes tea" I say happy that I remeber those things. "Oh! Glourious! You could take her to the Bucks of Stars!", "Starbucks?" I question,"Correct!" She replies. "Well if you think so" I comply. "Thanks Star! I will give you feed back!" I offer, then walk out. Well time to get some imformation on some books to talk to her about. I walk to the xomputers and see Raven already there. "Hey Raven!" I say, gawd I am so nervous, I get like that around her. All. The. Time. "Oh hey Beastboy" she answers closing out quickly. "thanks Rae I was just getting on there." I walk over and sit down. "Hey can I ask you somthing?" I ask, "yeah sure anything" she says hesitantly almost as if she was testing somthing. "Wanna go for a date at Starbucks tomorrow since we have another day off?.As in like a date date." I ask, "s-sure" she answers thrown off, "great! I will tell you the time tomorrow" I say then turn around to look up books.

My Mr.RightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora