The fame

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**picture above is your outfit for the interveiw**

You were at an interveiw with Matt, Cam and Shawn. It's was until it went to another level.

"Let's spice this up boys! Which one is dating y/n?" He asks. Cameron raises hand like he's in school.

"Are the fans okay with this?" He asks.

"I don't care what my fans have to say about my relationship life honestly. If I love her, and I surely do, that's all that matters. They should be happy for me if they are actually supporting my choices." Cameron explains. You found your self smiling.

"That's deep cam." Matt says in a low voice. I giggle for a minute and they all look at me.

"Now, y/n, do you get mobbed in public?"

"Yeah, sometimes, but it's not a good kind of mob. It's more of a hateful mob." You chuckle.

"When your out with Cameron, does he protect you at all?"

"Yes but, it's complicated. I don't really need prote----"

"You say that all the time y/n. Honestly, she needs me to protect her. One time we went to a concert..."

"KATY Perry Cameron. KATY Perry." You interrupt.

"Whatever, well, we got mobbed and she started crying because it was a big crowd of screaming girls. And she's like claustrophobic and stuff. So she was breathing really fast and clinging to me. And I almost let her go and she screamed loudly not to let go and I told her I wouldn't." Cameron says.

"I didn't not cry!" You giggle softly.

"You so did!" Cameron laughs poking your side. You roll your eyes.

The rest of the interveiw was just jokes and dares.(:

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