Singing in the Shower?

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You were sitting at the kitchen table, ordering a pizza. After you hung up, you walk upstairs to the bathroom.

"Dancing in the mirror.." Cameron sang. He bust into fits of laughter. Cameron looked as he wrapped a towel around his waist.

"Y/n! Are you recording?!" Cameron laughed. You nod and laugh at him. Your eyes meet his chiseled core. He smirks at you.

"Is bod on fleek?" He asks. You nod biting your lip. His towel falls a little lower. You curl your finger around it and pull him closer to you.

"God your so hot." You say. You slap your hand to your mouth. You never say that about Cam.

"That's hot babe. I gonna go get dressed." He says kissing your forehead.

You look in the mirror and laugh. You wash off our face and brush your teeth. As Cameron walks in, you pull your long y/c/h from its ponytail. Cameron loves you hair down.

You brush your hair and Cameron stands behind you, amused. You turn around and yank him towards you by his shirt. You connect your lips together. Cameron pulls away.

"What was that for?" He smirks. You shrug.

"You just look really good tonight, did you do something different?" You ask.

"I went to the gym and got my hair trimmed, why?" He asks.

"No reason, just one thing.." You say. He nods.

You tug at the hem of his shirt.

"This should go." You say. He looks you in the eyes. You pull it off of him. You stare at his amazing body. He kisses the top of your head.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

You punch his stomach.

"Just wanted to do that."



Cameron Dallas ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon