Phone Love (Peter × Steven fluff)

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I do my requests in order ... Ok that's bs, but I'll do them in order on here, so this request is for Average_Cat


Peter's POV

I knew there was other people who had become phones like me, but I never really met em till a month ago when I was taken to the factory. Appearently the owner, William Afton wanted a select few of us, and I was one of them. I saw the phone from 'my family' photo, and introduced myself because I kind of recognized him. "Hello Hello! I'm Peter, what about you?" The phone looked at me before replying "Hello Peter, I'm your old boss Steven. ... I sent you here after you died, so I'm sorry for that, just company policy." I stood there shocked that someone recognized me, because nobody did when I said my name was Peter. "I------ It's fine, not like you came up with the hecking rule." The other phone----- Steven. Steven looked surprised. "You're not supposed to say stuff like that, but yeah, the rule really does suck."

Steven's POV

I was surprised when a fellow phone came up to me, and then found out it was Peter, the poor guy who stopped before the door and bled out. I decided to apologize, and when I did he came as close to cursing as us Phoney's can. "You're not supposed to say something like that, but yeah, the rule really does suck." I replied looking at him. He had a newer phone than I did, but he seemed to act like he wasn't better than me. Some phones did that. Phone's like Abel, who, ... Nobody really likes. "So uh, do you maybe want to hang out after whatever Mr. Afton called us here for?" I asked figuring it'd be nice to have a friend before I most certainly get scrapped. "Sure, also do you recognize anyone here?" Peter asked. "I sadly don't, ... Hopefully Mr. Afton lets us go soon." I replied with a sigh. After saying that, Dave walked in, and nobody tried to stop him. "All right Phoney's, I have a confession, I own this place, so you're all coming with me." I wondered if he was joking. I noticed Peter didn't like it either. "I'm not joking guys, come with me or you'll have to be scrapped." Dave then said, and I pulled Peter up to the front, noticing no Phone looked happy about Dave being here. "Dave," I started "how do you own this place, and why us phones?" Dave laughed. "Well if it isn't Colorado Phoney! I see you're accompanied by the Phone Sportsy requested. To answer your question, I own this place because I changed my name to Dave Miller. Never really liked William, and I didn't want to be recognized." Dave grabbed me and Peter. "You two don't get a choice, the others do!" The phones prefered to be scrapped then come with Dave, who sighed. "Don't scrap em, just make em help other Phoney's." Dave said and someone nodded. "Why did Jack request us?" Peter asked. "Dunno, didn't ask. Also, I wanted Colorado Phoney because if Sportsy gets a Phone, I get a Phone." Dave then replied. "... Why me though?" I then asked. "Cause you did a better sting operation then any other Phoney!" Dave then replied, as he forced us into the backseat of his car, seeing as Jack was front seat. "Hey Peter, it's been a long time sense I've seen ya. Couldn't let you get scrapped, because what kind of brother would I be then." I looked as surprised as a phone can, and so did Dave. "Wait Sportsy, he's your brother!?" Dave asked sounding surprised. "Yeah, and I remember when he was fraimed for the murder that you and Henry did. ... The murder of our little sister, Dee." Peter then said. "I didn't know, ... I believed Henry's bullshit too much, so I'm sorry." I was surprised, and Peter looked surprised. "Did you----- did you just apologize!?" I asked really surprised. "Don't get used to it, he doesn't apologize a lot." Jack then said, "also we're going to Vegas, because me and Dave picked you up on the way." Jack smiled a lot. "Ok." I replied leaning my head on the window, which Peter moved onto his shoulder. "Steven, laying your head on a window isn't exactly good for you." Peter said, his phone looking a little darker then I thought it was before. I mentally shrugged leaning on his shoulder. "Thanks Peter," I said smiling to the best of my ability, and after a few minutes of driving I fell asleep on his shoulder.

Peter's POV

I saw Steven fall asleep at me, blushing a bit more than I already was. "Do ya like him?" Jack asked. "I don't know! I don't remember working for him like he claims!" I replied feeling myself blush more. Jack sighed. "Well get some sleep while me and Dave are driving." I sighed and responded with a simple nod.


Peter's POV

That's how me and Steven properly met, even if we did before I was a Phone Guy, but that's how I remember first meeting my boyfriend.


Authors note: That took longer than it should've, but then again, I finally dyed my hair today, which caused me to take more than an hour for a break. Thanks again Average_Cat for requesting! :>

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