17 | Middlemarch

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While the most notable events in civil war can be categorized...

No, wrong. Tap tap tap.
I rapidly clicked on the backspace button and tried again.

It might be ridiculous to say that the American Civil war is not one that would be remembered years later.

Still not a good start. Tap tap tap.

I made a sound of disappointment and closed my laptop shut. It was almost three in the morning and the sun was yet to peek through my windows. Initially, I was determined to get some rest after Lucas left but my mind wanted anything but rest, so somehow I remembered that I had three assignments due today. Needless to say, my attempts to complete them were frustrating and hopeless.

I wondered why I was still studying civil wars and a series of entitled men being stupid when I knew being an author was the only career I was interested in. Sure, the writing program at Haywood University was amazing but it still felt like hell to have all this other stress over me. Not to mention with everything else going on, assignments seemed to be of no importance.

I grunted and stood up from the chair groggily, rubbing my eyes I leaned against the window.

The birds weren't chirping, there was no orange string visible in the sky as it was far too early for both. But the darkness was still beautiful because I knew it wouldn't last long. Everyone thinks dawn is the start of the day, which it is. But I think of it as the end of the night, and for me, it was strangely melancholic. I had to wait another twelve hours to see the stars again.

A plan formed in my head. Was it a good plan? No. But will I be less stressed out if I actually carry it through? Yes.

I calculated the probabilities of Gloria kicking me with her Louboutins when I tell her the plan, and arrived at the conclusion that they were too expensive so she wouldn't dare try it. What was the plan, you ask?

• • •

"I'm dropping out of college!" I announced two hours later, standing in the kitchen doorway with a proud smile.

Gloria, who was in the process of gulping down some orange juice and biscuits, which was her idea of breakfast, stopped and turned towards me with her jaw hitting the ground.

"What the actual fuck?" she blinked, obviously waiting for an explanation. Considering everything else that was going on, I didn't think she wanted one.

"Okay, hear me out," I sat down on one of the chairs around the small table, and looked at her determinedly. "School has been really stressful and I know I don't need any of these subjects if I am going to be a published author - -"

"You still want to be a writer?" she snorted, turning her gaze back to the juice at hand, which I was sure by my sisterly instincts, was laced with something more exciting.

"What do you mean by that? I have had the same dream since like - ever!"

"Hey, I have nothing against writers!" she said quickly, "I'm just saying that I figured you might not be writing anything for a while because of the uh - leafs disappearances."

"You thin- think it's my fault people are disappearing?" I asked slowly. "I wrote a freaking story about leafs. What a psycho did out there with those words are not my fault!"

Despite my initial plan to be calm and confident in my decision, my hands started to shake.

"Lottie, I know." She put down the glass and turned all of her attention towards me. "But look at how it has been affecting you, none of this is just about you anymore, people are disappearing. Not just from a town, but likely from the face of the earth!"

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