29 | Cain's Heresy

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There was something more than helplessness in Lucas's eyes, and I couldn't decide whether it was fury or pure madness. 

CJ smiling triumphantly didn't help either. I don't think she understood the consequences of what exactly she did, and that just made everything worse.

I remembered what Heath had said, 
How do you think he'll react when he realizes his whole life is literally just in his head? The feelings right then would make him go batshit crazy. He may even try to kill himself.

"Where's the music coming from?" Lucas asked softly, looking at the picture in his hands. I didn't know what to say, but it didn't seem like he was asking me anyways. As always, he wanted to figure out everything. 

"Where's the music coming from?" He yelled this time, and I kept glancing at the gun in his hands. 

He seemed like he forgot about the gun, but I needed it anywhere other with him. I wanted to demand it, but I didn't know how he'll react. Everything was chaos.

"My mother, she used to - to make me cakes herself, sing me lullabies to sleep," there were tears in his eyes now, "you can't tell me that's not real. Please, I beg you!"

"Lucas, look-k here." I stammered. "It's going to be okay, we are here for you, but if I ask you something, will you do it for me?"

"Do - do what?"

"The gun, can you hand the gun over to me?" I smiled, hoping he would trust me.

"Charlotte, would you stop ruining the fun?" Ethan asked from behind the screens. "Let me make this clear for the three of you. Either one of you makes it out alive, or none does. You can do it the hard way but you will die knowing that you were the reason your friend couldn't leave."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! We are not going to fall for those stupid tricks." I was confident in that, but on the other hand, CJ tilted her head one way, and shook her head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I bit my lips, watching her closely.

"I don't care about Lucas at all." She stated. "But I do care about you. If there's a chance you can survive, you should take it."

"Okay, so Ethan wanted to take a break." A new voice said through the invisible speakers. This time it was a young lady, and she seemed just as excited as Ethan was to be in this murderously exhilarating situation. "All this excitement made him go to the little boys' room, if you know what I mean."

"This is bullshit," said CJ. 

"Who invited Barbie here?" The lady sounded surprised to be seeing CJ. Then again, all of this was just for me and Lucas. "Nevermind, more people get to die!"

Lucas was freaking me out. He kept murmuring to himself. I knew what we needed was a solid plan, but for that, we required time. 

"Um, Miss? Can I ask you a question since we are going to die anyways?" I asked cautiously. "Can you tell me who's Cain?" 

"No, but I can say that Cain was out till now to kill, drumroll, Dean Carmichael." The voice said, and Lucas tore the paper into two. 

"Um, so he's back there? Can we see him? Needed to clear up some stuff." I requested hopefully.

"I can call him."


"If you can tell me who he is."

"No, no more freaking games," CJ yelled. "Either let us out or kill us already."

"Alright, alright. Sorry for trying to make your lives more interesting!" 

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