04 | Dreams, Or Something Close To It

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"Now here is my secret, my simple secret; it is only with heart we can see rightly what is essentially invisible to the eye."
-Antoine de Saint Exupery

It's that blood trail again Charlotte.
Would you shut up?
I'm your brain. I can't.
Well, try!

I stepped on the sticky red liquid which I knew by now was blood and sighed.

Well what are you waiting for? Follow it!!
I'm your brain and if I say yes, you say yes!

I let out a cry of frustration but I carefully stepped forwards, not wanting to be scared by anything while walking down the alley. It was dark and eerie, just like in all the movies. The only thing missing was a murderer jumping out of a bush and stabbing me.

But then I heard it.
A soft cry for help.
My ears perked up at the sound and I warily followed the source which seemed to be coming from my left.

"Hello?" I called as my eyes peered into the corner. I could see two figures in front of me, their silhouettes in contrast with the darkness.

There seemed to be a little girl standing over a man on the ground. She saw me and gasped.

"Can you help m-me? He is not moving!" She started crying, tears sticking to her face.

"What happened?!" I asked in alarm as I stepped closer to the man.

"I don't- don't know. Help me Charlotte please!" The girl said by my side and my eyes snapped to hers in alarm.

"How do you know my name-?" I asked the unfamiliar girl with the sad eyes and my focus fell to her hands.
Lots and lots of blood.

I stared at her in shock and she looked at me with eyes full of regret.

"You killed him." I pointed to the man on the ground and she wept louder. When she finally spoke, her voice came out as a mere whisper but it brought chills down my spine.

"Please don't tell my mom."

I woke up gasping for air, my hands clutching in the sides of an unfamiliar and small bed.

"Charlotte? Are you alright?" A voice said and I adjusted my eyes to see a figure on my left side in a dimly lit room.

"Just- just a nightmare." I said, my eyes focusing on where I was. "Where the hell are we?"

"They took us to their dungeons." Lucas informed, his voice somewhat different. Memories of what happened flooded back to me.

"This is the precinct, you idiot." I snapped and walked over to the bars in front of us. I could see light coming in and a guard's back faced towards us. I tapped his shoulders through the bars. The guard looked at me, boredom etched in his face.

"Why the hell am I in a cell?!" I demanded but he snorted in reply.

"You can't do this- I have my rights!" My voice was firmer and I almost stomped the ground like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Look here, kiddo," he said, sighing. "I just do my job. Now I don't know whether you know this but my job definitely isn't letting criminals out of the cell."

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