Dance Captains: Prolouge

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Hi everyone! I am starting a new story here on Wattpad and Ao3! The Prologue is now out in its own book! The book title is "Dance Captains: Catradora high school au~" here on Wattpad and "Dance Captains" on Ao3! For now, I am posting the prologue here so you can see what you think! Then if you enjoy, you can go add the book to your library! Thank you guys and enjoy!
"I'm going to be so late!" A 16-year-old Adora White said as she noticed the time on the microwave.

It was Adora's first day as the Moon Valley High School Hyenas' varsity team dance captain. She had spent her freshman and sophomore year working her way to the top, and in the end, her teammates and coach picked her. It was one of her greatest dreams for the longest time besides finding herself a good girlfriend.

Today was the day she was going to meet the other dance captains from the neighboring school districts for lunch so they can have "common ground." It was stupid to her, in her opinion. As much as they all tried, each team always had a set rivalry with another team all the time. Lately, Moon Valley's rivals were the East Valley High School Wildcats. Always neck and neck whenever they were competing, or whenever they were in each other's presence.

All she could hope for this year was not running into any problems with anyone.

"Bye, mom!" she yelled towards the living room area of her two-story house. She grabbed her car keys and her black leather bag as she ran out the door. She rushed over to her white Jeep and climbed in.

Her mind seemed to be all over the place today. Her day started by waking up late, tripping over her brother Adam's skateboard, her having to-do a list of chores in the morning before she had to go, and most unsettling of all, getting a message from a certain Catra Rivers on Instagram.

She and Catra Rivers used to be the best of friends when they were little, yet a week after Catra's 12th birthday, Adora found out her family was moving to a different town because of her mother getting a job with the local school district and her father becoming a city official. It was hard for both of them. They both promised to keep in touch, yet they adapted to their own lives in their schools. That was their ultimate downfall.

Catrarivers469: Hey

That was the message notification she received during the night. They haven't had a full conversation in four years, and all she says was "Hey." She didn't bother answering her.

She buckled herself in and drove off to the local hotel. Of course, she would be late on her first day. She tapped her fingers impatiently against her steering wheel as she arrived at the traffic stop before her destination. She glanced at her radio for the time.

'12:45. Damn, I was supposed to be there thirty minutes ago!'

She quickly made her turn as the light turned green. She pulled up to the eighteen stories tall hotel and parked in the front parking area. As she ran towards the front doors, she fixed the skirt of the candy apple red dress she had chosen to wear that day. Her bedazzled high heels clicking behind her as she ran. Her loose sandy blonde hair clipped up with golden rose pins flowing behind her.

After asking for directions from the front desk, she walked down the open pink crystal lobby to one of the large meeting rooms. As soon as she opened the door, she noticed all the eyes landing on her. She chuckled nervously, "I'm sorry. I was having a rough morning," she cleared her throat and walked towards the large table in the middle of the room.

Adora's team coach, Mrs. Angella Moon, chuckled, "It's okay, darling. We just got started talking. Your seat has a place card with your name on it."

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