Fly to Your Heart

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Hi everyone! I missed Mother's day and Catradora's anniversary. I was super busy and I had many school trips. But I am back and I have my mother's day post all done for you guys! This one is a song oneshot so I recommend you listen to the song while you are reading, like usual. Thank you and let me know what you think!
Video link to the song:

The song is "Fly to Your Heart" by Selena Gomez


Angella stepped out into Bright Moon's garden after catching sight of the blonde princess at the new horse stables.

She noticed that Adora had started to become more distracted whenever she would come back from missions or after spending time with her friends. It was either at dinner or simply outside the balcony of her room.

She never really brought it up out of fear of upsetting her. But since her last mission to recover a pass that the Horde had taken over while the Battle of Bright Moon, she could tell that something was on her mind.

She slowly walked over to the small stable, being mindful of her cape and the different plants around her.

Adora was in the stable, brushing her steed's coat. She had gotten used to hanging with Swift Wind whenever something was on her mind, especially after having that heart to heart when trying to fix Light Hope's watchtower. Brushing the horse's pearly white coat was one of the many ways for them to bond.

The horse picked up their head after hearing a branch snap nearby, "Who goes there?" he asked, looking around.

The blonde quickly put the brush down, looking to her horse, then the door. She picked up her sword from the side.

The queen peeked her head inside and smiled at the sight of the pair, "Relax, it's just me."

"Oh, your majesty!" the two of them exclaimed, glancing at each other.

Adora put her sword back down beside her, "I'm sorry about that, your majesty. You know me and Swift Wind, we are always prepared for battle," she chuckled nervously, picking up her horse brush once again.

She chuckled, nodding as she walked toward them. "I can understand that," she smiled. "What are you guys up to?"

Swift Wind looked over and neighed softly, "Adora usually likes to come and brush my coat after we train, go on missions, or when she just wants to hang."

"I see." she looked up and down the horse's profile. "I can see that she does an excellent job," she admired as she placed a hand on one side of the steed's face.

"Oh, she does! She always makes me feel comfortable!"

She let out a small laugh. She looked back to the girl who kept standing off to the side, "How did you learn how to brush him?"

"Books, and some of the workers here. They said if I wanted to bond better with Swifty or just have something to do, this was something good," she admitted, patting the horse's side.

The queen nodded, moving her hand towards the horse's mane, "I suppose it does give you a sense of purpose."

"Yeah, it does" she moved back, walking towards the small bucket of tools that she used to maintain the horse.

Angella watched as the girl rummaged through the different bags and buckets that surrounded the area. She did seem a little distracted and not willing to talk.

But her being the mom she was, she was not going to leave her alone.

"Well, I just came to see if you would like to go on a ride with me?" she smiled, looking back toward the girl.

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