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"She's in the living room. We have a lot of explanation to do."

"I know, but she will understand. She has to."

"Did you take Leigh-Anne?"

"Let's talk about this together with Perrie, alright?"

I could hear Lauren's voice and another voice coming from the other room, but the second voice was a bit muffled which is why I couldn't recognize who the voice belonged to. I still felt like that was a spell to manipulate my vampire hearing and not my vampire hearing lacking.

"Dinah, please, tell me what's going on.", I sighed. "I feel like something has been going on for a while now and the only person who wasn't included was me. Why?"

"Perrie.", Dinah started, "We were protecting you for centuries. There are people who want to kill you and Lauren made sure she had all the help she needed to make sure you were always going to be safe."


"The witches. You both made them really mad. But they know there were two of you and they are still looking for you. That's why we had to take care of Leigh-Anne.", Dinah explained.

"Wait." I stood up immediately. "Is she hurt?"

"No, don't worry.", Dinah instantly said. "But after Lauren texted me how you met this girl Leigh-Anne and she touched you and flinched and you told Lauren she might be a witch, we had to take matters into our own hands. - Perrie, you have to understand that everything Lauren is doing, is to help you."

"But why me? I don't get it. Yes, I did a horrible, unforgivable mistake, but why all this to find and kill me?", I mean it was kind of understandable, but I felt like I was the center of the supernatural world right now and I didn't like that.

"You're the ripper, whether you like it or not. A lot of human lives were taken away by your very own hands, not just the witches. Your name isn't uncommon in the supernatural world, you have a lot of enemies, Perrie. There are many people you don't know about. But Lauren.. I know she doesn't show her true side often, but you are her little sister. She will do anything for you. And if it means doing everything in her power to protect you, she will. You're the only family she has left.", Dinah explained.

And I understood. After Lauren killed our parents she was afraid I would hate her for the rest of our lives. And forever would be a very long time. But instead I hugged her and told her it wasn't her fault, but the monster she got turned into. I guess trying to protect me was Lauren's way of trying to show gratitude and to make up for our parents' death.

"Who are the other voices in this house? I know you guys were talking about a he, but I could hear another muffled voice in the room upstairs.", I now asked.

"Lauren will explain the rest to you, I already told you enough.", Dinah said softly with a smile and hugged me once more before opening the door Lauren left earlier to get the person they were talking about.

I closed my eyes and breathed. That was a lot for me, to be quite honest. I was lied to, but being protected by my sister for the last 80 or so years. I wish I could have helped her during this whole time. As much as I always loved her, I never thought she would do this for me. Lauren was always the selfish sibling. And not even in a bad way, but she always put herself first. Not even her ex boyfriend Nick was important to her enough to cut her selfish ways.

"Perrie, we're here now.", as I heard Lauren's voice I opened my eyes again and slowly turned around to the door where Dinah left a few minutes ago. It was Lauren with.. Alex? And Nick?

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