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Lauren's P.O.V

I spent the whole night reading my father's diary, I even had to cancel the double date I had planned for Perrie, Jade, Camila and I. But it was important and Perrie understood why immediately. She didn't know I was reading our father's diary, but she knew I was eavesdropping on the founders' yesterday and she probably figured that it triggered me. Which is kind of true. Talking about triggers: I did have some angry tantrums here and there during the night when my father started mentioning me in his diary and started calling me an irresponsible brat for choosing love over family.

He didn't understand. But even back then I knew he would never be able to understand. It was just not possible for him. He only saw vampires as something bad. He never thought about the fact that they were once human, too. For him we were monsters.

I knew I was a monster to him. I killed him, remember? And the look on his eyes was something I would never forget.

But it turned out that his diary was actually useful. He mentioned the Fawcett bloodline. Seemed like the Fawcett were important already back in the 1800s. He also mentioned the Crowleys and the Buckleys, which was a win to me. It were the same witch clans that got mentioned by Honoria Fawcett. And I knew exactly where to find them.

I was at the old house where Dinah, Nick and Alex were living at right now. I needed someone to come with me to Chicago to find the Crowleys and the Buckleys. Either I was signing my own death contract for searching for them or I was able to kill them myself and save Perrie. That would solve one problem.

I was surprised when I read about those witch clans in my dad's diary. Apparently, the Crowleys, Buckleys and the Fawcetts were supposed to keep me and Perrie save, no matter what. It kind of explained why Genie Buckley made our daylight rings after we got turned.

I guess, Perrie ruined our safety card after she literally murdered every single one of them. I did get why they were mad. But we had to protect ourselves. It had to be done.

"Good morning, ex lover and friends.", I said happily as I entered the living room, already seeing Dinah, Alex and Nick sitting there, eating their breakfast.

Dinah immediately threw a blood bag at me, to which I thanked her by nodding with a smile. "Hello, love.", Nick answered with a slight smile.

I grinned at him as he used the old nickname he had for me back when we were a couple. I knew he was still in love with me. Every ex was. And honestly, if I wouldn't have ended up being so fond of Camila, maybe I would have given him and me another chance.

"Why are you so chippity-chappity happy?", Alex suddenly asked in an amused tone.

I looked at Alex weirdly at the use of 'chippity-chappity' and tried not to laugh before I looked at all three of them and took a sip of my blood bag. "I may have found a solution to one of our problems."

Alex eyes widened. I could already see the hope in his eyes. He really did love my sister. I did feel bad for him in some way. He had to stay away from her for years and now that she finally knew the truth she chose a human over him. If I were in his shoes I'd probably be sad, too.

"What is it?"

"I can't elaborate much until I have all the answers." I thought for a second. "Who's up for a road trip?"

And there it was. Three confused people looking at me.

"We gotta go back home. Chicago is calling.", I said and raised my eyebrows playfully.

Perrie's P.O.V

"Jade, I swear she hates me.", I sighed before sitting next to her at out table in the local Leigh was working at. Speaking of Leigh, she was currently making our coffees. It was nice getting along with her now. Yesterday was a weird day. Lauren suddenly cancelled on the double date and I knew something was up. I figured she had flashbacks from 1820 when we eavesdropped our father's meeting with the Founders' families.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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