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Call me crazy, but by now I had been sitting here, locked in my own room, to get the urge of blood out of my head, but nothing was working. Things like that sometimes happened, especially if my instincts were lower for some reason. This time, the reason was the alcohol.

And I was aware that the door being locked wasn't going to hold me back much longer. Everything was spinning and I could hear everything. The next thing I remembered is that Lauren somehow came into my room and slammed me against the wall.

"Perrie, you need to calm down. Breathe. Breathe." I tried to do as she should and the more I concentrated, the more it worked. I could feel my veins on my eyes relax again and my teeth going back to normal slowly. But with that I could immediately feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

The exhaustion I felt in that moment was indescribable. My mind was still feeling a little bit dizzy, but I could feel Lauren's arms wrapping around me, hugging me comfortingly. In moments like these I really loved my sister. Don't get me wrong I always loved her, no matter when, but sometimes I did forget that Lauren had a heart.

"You okay now?", she asked softly after a while. "At first I thought you were just sitting in your room, pouting, but then I heard all those sounds and I knew something was wrong."

"The.. It's the blood.", I managed to say.

"Is it really that bad?", Lauren now genuinely asked. I always complained to her about my blood lust and how one drop of human blood could already ruin me. But she never took me seriously. I didn't blame her. She had and still has complete control of her blood lust and when she drinks it, it's like drinking a glass of water. When I try drinking it, it's like cocaine.

Lauren let out a sigh. "Okay, you go and calm yourself down and I will get the blood bags somewhere else, alright?"

I nodded. "And when the first guests arrive and I'm still not here, let them inside and act like we're normal people. Humans. Got it?"

"Got it.", I answered before Lauren disappeared. I still didn't understand what happened to my sister. Her personality was switching off and on like a flashlight. I hoped I would be able to hold a normal, serious conversation with her someday. There was something I didn't know about her time in New York.

I went downstairs and made my way to the kitchen. Not going to lie, our big living room slash library looked incredible. She really wanted this party for real. Maybe it was Camila's idea and she wanted to impress her. That would suit Lauren one-hundred percent.

When I arrived at the kitchen, I got myself a cup and made me some tea with vervain. I know, any normal vampire would call me crazy now, but vervain actually helps me with my blood lust. It hurts like a bitch and it kills my throat, but it helps.

Also, when a normal vampire like me drinks a few drops of vervain every day, I can't be manipulated by original vampires and I can live with the pain much longer before it causes real damage. An old friend of mine in Chicago showed me that trick. Most useful thing someone had told me ever since I've been living on this earth.

It was so relieving when I noticed that I couldn't smell the blood bags anymore. It finally started to feel like home again and now I was ready to drink a few vodka shots with Jesy and Jade. Of course, only if them two were the drinking type.

Right after I finished my tea, which took nearly thirty minutes because of all the pain the vervain caused, the doorbell rang. It wasn't real pain, but it still burned while drinking because after all it's still poison to vampires.

When I opened the front door I could see Camila and her friends from the local that I saw yesterday. And behind her... Almost fifty more people. Lauren, this one's on you.

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