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I never was the one who was able to resist the urge to drink human blood. My sister, Lauren, had it easier. In all of my 200-years on this earth I never experienced the feeling of an ending hunger. I always craved for more. The people that I met throughout the years would call that a ripper - but I was terrified of the term ripper. It made you sound like the worst person in the world. But maybe that was what I was when I drank human blood.

After 200-years of traveling around the world, trying to cope with my never ending misery, I came back here. South Shields. My home. I wanted a fresh start. I wanted to get those 200-years back, hoping it would make me want to stay good.

My name was Perrie Edwards and I'm a vampire. I've been one since 1820. My sister Lauren turned me, after her lover transformed her into a vampire and then got killed. She couldn't bare to live all eternity all alone.

It wasn't a decision on my part.

Ever since then our relationship was different. We'd always live together and enjoy the advantages of being powerful creatures, but there was always a tension between us. Anger, which we couldn't get rid of. But we weren't able to live without one another, so we never spoke about it.

No one in the world would think that Lauren and I were sisters. The only thing that we had in common were our light eyes. Everyone always thought we were best friends on the road, getting to know the world. For Lauren, the perfect way to go on the perfect hunt.

Right now, I didn't know where Lauren was. The last time we saw each other was about two years ago in Scotland. We didn't mind to be apart for so long, since two years in vampire time felt like a month.

No one knew about us and we promised each other to keep it that way, no matter how far we wander and where we both end up. It was Lauren and me, always and forever.

As a vampire, things like loyalty, family and love were way more intense then as you felt as a human. It all had a bigger meaning to it. You felt everything so deeply. Love, passion, hate, anger. Lauren was better at managing her feelings than I was.

I stopped drinking from humans around fifty years ago. I switched on to animal blood. I still hated it with every fiber of my being, but I always drank enough to survive, but not too much to get addicted. My problem - as a ripper - was the taste of human blood, but by drinking animal blood I wanted to train myself control.

At the moment, I was in front of the South Shields High School, where I was going to be for the next - hopefully - three years. It was very hard to stay at one place forever. One day, people would notice why you never age and then you would have to manipulate them to forget everything and move away. Mostly when that happened, Lauren was the one to manipulate the people, since she was the stronger one out of us.

I never went to High School, to be honest. Back in 1820 we were home-schooled since we were pretty rich back then and after we got turned, I spent years and years living my best vampire life - I hope you noticed the sarcasm - before then going to University around 1934. So now, I wanted to get the whole High School experience in the modern world.

Something about this place told me big things were heading in my direction.

When I stepped inside, everyone instantly noticed me. Maybe it was my leather jacket, maybe it was the fact that I was a pretty, new girl which caught everyone's attention immediately or it was the fact that I carried a motorcycle helmet with me.

Even though I was the nicer and sweeter sibling, I tent to always go for the rocky things. Lauren on the other hand was happy as long as she had her Havana.

I confidently made my way to the secretery. I knew I would need to manipulate the secretary in case she would ask about my papers, which she definitely was going to do. I really hoped that I was strong enough to succeed.

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