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The next day

One thing that was nice about being a vampire was the fact that I never get a hangover. If I were human, I'd probably be dead by now. Before we got turned I was a literal lightweight. Glad that changed.

Yesterday was weird in some ways. I, for some reason, can't get Alex out of my head. Not in the way you may think, but I can't shake that feeling off that I know him from somewhere. There was something completely off with him. Though, when you think of it like that, the whole town seemed off.

Today I was going to go out with Jade. And I was more than excited. Speaking of Jade, I was still in her bed because that girl had such a deep sleep, I wish I could sleep that long or intense as she does. But I'm an over thinker and since my thoughts are running faster than the thoughts of a normal human, normal sleep wasn't really on the table for me. on another note, Jade had her arms wrapped around me so tight normally you wouldn't be able to escape. For me it obviously wouldn't be a problem, but I enjoyed being with her and having this moment.

There was something about Jade that just made me feel like home. And I never thought I would find that feeling. I've been on this earth for way too long and have experienced a ton of stuff and different feelings, but the feeling that Jade gives me I never had until now. It was something rare and special to me.

I decided to leave and let Jade sleep, since she seemed like she needed it and I had to talk to Lauren about the witch problem. She wasn't going to be happy, but I sure as hell wasn't going to deal with this on my own.

"There she is!", Lauren said amused, already smirking from ear to ear as I entered our house.

"Nothing happened we just talked and cuddled, so please quit the teasing.", I said harshly, way too harshly for my liking to be honest, and Lauren seemed impressed by my tone, but I know she didn't take me seriously anyway. "I need to talk to you."

Lauren sat down on the sofa, her one leg crossed over the other, as she sipped on a glass of blood. After I gave her an annoyed look she said:"Hey, you said you can't smell all the blood bags. They're gone and this is just a glass of blood, calm your tits, sissy."

"Anyway, what's going on?", she now asked, genuinely interested.

I sighed, "I'll make it short: We have a witch problem."

And for the first time in literal decades, I saw Lauren's smirky and amused expression on her face fall and saw actual fear. Seeing Lauren fearing for her life was something you didn't see every day. "What do you mean we have a witch problem?", she asked slowly, trying not to break the glass with hr hands.

I sat down next to her and breathed out slowly. "I was at our towns cafe recently and the barista was a friend of Jades. She was nice at first, but she seemed to feel my energy and suddenly seemed freaked out. I don't know if she's aware of her abilities, Lauren. But if she is, we have a big problem."

"I mean, it's just a witch right? We can easily get rid of her or she's not even as powerful as we think. I'll handle it."

"No.", I immediately cut her off. "For one, she's a friend of Jade and since I've become friends with her and you became whatever it was with some of her friends we can't risk it. Besides, I don't want her to lose a good friend."

There was a moment of silence. Normally, Lauren would argue against it, but I bet Camila was the reason she seemed to agree with me. We kind of figured yesterday that they all had the same friends group. Also, it was highly possible that Lauren manipulated her at least once to see her true intentions. Lauren may have some trust issues.

"But..", I now started to say as I realized something.

"What do you mean 'but' ? There can't be any buts here, Pez. It's a really dangerous situation for us. If anyone ever finds out that we were the vampires that killed every witch that was walking and living in this town or near it, we will get murdered with a stack in the heart."

"Now that I think about it, she seemed familiar. Her features, I mean. But it's impossible, right? I mean we killed everyone and their families. There is no way a relative could have survived."

"Technically, no.", Lauren agreed with me. "But witches have always been mysterious and slick and have always found ways to protect their families. Remember, that's the whole core of their being. They do everything for their family. Everything, Perrie. They could have put a safety spell on one witch that was pregnant, which then helped her to continue her bloodline."

It was possible. Back then we weren't as informed about witches as we are now, but the thought of them using a spell to save their bloodline never crossed our minds. I mean, to be fair, we never thought we'd come back here. But now we were fucked if Leigh-Anne would ever  find out what happened to her grandma. Or rather, who hurt her.

"What's that witches' name?", Lauren now asked me.

"Leigh-Anne.", I answered simply and Lauren looked determined and satisfied, which kind of scared me to be honest. "Lauren don't hurt her. There's too much at cost."

"I won't hurt her, promise. I have a way better plan.", Lauren smirked and stood up, put the glass of blood on the table and looked directly to me. "We'll make a new friend, Pez. We'll help her finding out about hr abilities and her family, we'll make her believe that we're just two new friends who are helping her with her destiny. And when the time is right, we'll manipulate her. "

"Is the manipulation part of the plan or just for your entertainment?", I answered skeptically.

"Both.", Lauren said after thinking for a few seconds. "We'll make her forget about the way her grandma died and switch the story."

"Why can't we just manipulate her now then and get over with it?"

"While you were busy making new friends, I analyzed how the town and the police is working nowadays and all of them are using vervain. Which is why I seduced Jesy in the old fashion way.", Lauren laughed. Me on the other hand was disgusted. I'll never get that picture of Lauren and Jesy out of my head. "Anyways, we have to get Leigh's, whatever her name was, trust first to get access to her home and get away the vervain and then when she trusts us completely and we are sure that the vervain is out of her system, we manipulate her and her family. "

As complicated it sounded, Lauren was right. This was the only way to handle this situation. It was already stressing me out but this way no one was getting hurt or killed and we wouldn't get exposed.

"Okay, let's do it."

"Then let's start right now. Get your jacket and drive us to that cafe that you were talking about. I bet she's there today.", Lauren said funnily.

I sighed, but got my leather jacket before we drove to the cafe. I really hoped this was going to work. Because out of me and Lauren, Lauren is the more calm one when it comes to plans. And yes I am well aware that I at first didn't want Lauren in on this plan, but I was desperate. When it comes to plans like these I never know what to do. When it comes to things like that I just need my sister.


Sorry for the long wait and short chapter guys, corona has been messing with my mental state tbh and now exam season in school is starting so I'm just very ~stressed~ at the moment, but I at least wanted to give you smth ❤️

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