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Alex and I immediately rushed to Leigh-Anne's house in vampire speed, finding Lauren in front of an open front door.

"What happened?", I asked, while Alex tried not to laugh. Seemed like Leigh-Anne mastered her first spell. And Lauren wasn't having it.

"I guess someone doesn't like my loving severity!", Lauren screamed through the door, slamming against the transparent barrier that was keeping her from entering the house.

I couldn't help but laugh and when Alex started laughing too, I started laughing even more. Meanwhile, Lauren was looking at us pissed as fuck.

"I'm sorry, - I'll handle it.", I told her after calming down.

"I'm only doing this for you, remember this.", Lauren warned me in an annoyed tone before sitting down on the bench that was on the terrace we were standing on right now.

I stepped inside. At least she really just seemed annoyed by Lauren. Or she respected me. Or was scared of me. Either way, she let me in and that was all I needed.

"Leigh-Anne, come out.", I called because I couldn't see her anywhere, but could sense her smell. Thankfully her mum was at work because she was a full time doctor. That gave us a lot more freedom when it came to practicing spells.

She came out of her hiding spot, which was in the kitchen, and sighed annoyingly.

"I'm sorry, she pressured me!", Leigh tried to explain to me.

"I don't pressure, I train! Get the difference!" Lauren suddenly screamed from the front door.

I went to Lauren by vampire sped and gave her a serious look, indicating I was going to handle this. Lauren knew this look and she didn't like it. I always used that threatening look during my ripper time whenever Lauren wanted me to stop drinking a body's blood until there was no drop of blood left. She always told me, rather use someone twice or more than killing them directly.

I never listened.

I ran back to Leigh-Anne and led her back into the kitchen. "So.. You finally succeeded at your first barrier spell?"

"I guess so. I was just so mad and did something. Not sure how I did it.", she explained to me and I nodded.

"Either way, your powers finally showed. And the fact that you're able to let me inside, but keep others out of the house is already a very powerful step. Be proud of you.", I said nicely. Honestly, I was tired of playing the threatening vampire who kept telling her she would die if she'd tell anyone what we are or what we've been up to the last week.

"Thanks, I guess.", Leigh-Anne said, seeming a bit irritated.

"Leigh-Anne, listen.." Lauren, please don't hate me for this, I thought. "I thought things through and you're free to cut yourself off of this plan if you want. I won't force you anymore."

"Perrie, are you kidding me?!", I could hear Lauren scream from the porch.

"How come? What changed?", Leigh now asked, crossing her arms, looking at me skeptically. She wasn't buying it. I didn't blame her, but after my date with Jade a lot of things changed.

"Yesterday something happened that changed my complete outlook on this situation. And even if I needed to threaten you, you didn't tell anyone about this or about what I am and you even kept my sisters secret, although she was getting on your nerves, and at the end of the day I think the only person that I would care about knowing any of this will find out about it soon enough.", I explained, Leigh-Anne immediately knowing I was talking about Jade.

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