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The next morning I woke up with a big smile on my face. I really felt like all those high school girls who just kissed their crush for the first time. I always saw that as silly. But after last night, I don't even feel bad about being one of those girls, because the person I kissed was Jade.

I felt it throughout every vein and nerve that I owned and all I wanted was to give her the same feeling she gave me. But after a hot make-out session I brought Jade home like the gentlewoman that I was. To be honest, I just didn't want Jade to feel pressured, because I didn't know what type of girl she was in that case.

I had a lot of experience by now, obviously, but I didn't know whether or not Jade even had sex or a one night stand or anything that went beyond kissing. Although she was kissing like a pro, that wasn't a reason for me to just go for it. It was still Jade after all and I thought if she wanted me to go further she would have given me a sign.

Also, it was just our first date. You need to chill Perrie. I figured though that it was the experienced and vampire part of me who didn't see a big deal when it came to having sex anymore. I couldn't get pregnant or sick because of sex and although it really is meaningful to me with the right person, I rarely get nervous anymore.

When I woke up this morning, it was like everything seemed brighter, better. I loved every little thing about nature, even the birds that were singing right now that I'd normally would want to kill at 6am when they would wake me up a whole ass hour before I'd actually have to wake up for school.

Lauren was going to make so much fun of me because of how happy I was right now, but not even that was ruining my mood right now. Nothing could.

As I went downstairs and to the kitchen to make myself a coffee, I passed Lauren in the living room, who was very much irritated by the smile on my face as I greeted her and followed me to the kitchen.

"Is that a smile?", Lauren asked in shock. "Perrie Edwards, my sister, is genuinely smiling?"

"I don't know what you're on about, I always smile.", I answered, acting like nothing was different.

"Something is different.", Lauren said suspiciously. I couldn't help grinning even more, and that's when it dawned to her. "Oh my god, you guys kissed!"


"Maybe? Perrie, the last time I saw you smiling this hard was back in the 1800s when you had that fling with that original vampire named Ava. - And she literally manipulated you to love her.", Lauren reminded me. "It's just crazy to see a human have this effect on you without any voodoo powers."

I rolled my eyes at the mention of Ava. That was a different story for later. Right now, the only thing that mattered to me were Jade and I. "She's not just a human, Lauren. She's Jade."

"Okay, love fool. I'm happy for you, although I hate to remind you how you and her are doomed unless you plan on telling her the truth and turning her into a vamp one day." I ignored her. I was well aware that this was a big problem that I needed to solve and I knew Lauren was right. But I couldn't tell Jade. At least not until this witch problem was solved.

"Look", Lauren came up to me and comfortingly put her hand on my shoulder, "I don't want you to keep her out of your life if she really makes you that happy, but you're not a human, Pez. You can't forget that."

Lauren took my hand and pointed at my ring on my index finger. My daylight ring. The only thing that was keeping me from burning up in flames outside. "This is the thing that made us live like humans again and because of it we're able to pretend we're normal teenagers sometimes. But we can't forget that we are indeed, not human. - Trust me, I know how hard it is. I've been avoiding Camila ever since the party because I don't want her to go through the same thing you don't want Jade to go through."

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