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Two days later

Leigh was back home for two days already, but to be honest training her was no joke. I was very much annoyed after just one hour. It was already hard enough to get invited into her house, but after threatening her again it worked perfectly. I hated the fact that I had to threaten her to get her to do things for me, but that was the only thing I was able to do, otherwise I'd have to hurt her. Of course I'd never do that, mostly because of Jade. But I couldn't guarantee what Lauren would or wouldn't do. She'd do anything to protect me.

I hadn't seen Alex yet. I told Lauren I needed some time to think and to sort things out with myself. I wanted to understand why he did what he did,  but a part of me was mad. I felt used in some way. It was hard to find out that the love of your life erased your memories instead of telling you what was going on. I needed answers, but right now I was just trying to sort my feelings.

I stayed out of school yesterday to help Leigh-Anne with her powers. We have not made any progress yet and we knew it was going to be a stressful time, but I was very positive about this whole plan. It had to work.

So right now I was at my locker, getting my books for English and History. I haven't seen Jade yet ever since she cancelled on me for our date. I really hoped she didn't think I was mad at her, because I definitely wasn't. I was just overwhelmed by everything that was going at the moment.

I closed my locker and all of a sudden saw Alex who was waiting for me. That was definitely not helping right now.

"Hey.", he smiled.

"Hey.", I said quickly and made my way to class, but obviously he started to follow me.

"We need to talk.", he sighed.

"I told Lauren I need time.", I answered and stopped walking, turning towards him.

He nodded. "She told me, I know. But Perrie, I haven't talked to you for so many centuries, my heart breaking every time knowing you didn't remember me. Our talk at the cemetery felt familiar and now you know why. I know an apology isn't enough, but I really want to explain it to you.", he whispered so not everyone would know.

Idiot, I thought amusingly. He was a vampire for so many years already, but parts of Alex were still so human that he sometimes forgot talking in a school hallway about how he erased his girlfriends memory 80 years ago maybe wasn't the most normal thing in the world.

Ex girlfriend Perrie. "I know you want to explain things and we can do that soon, but right now I really have a lot going on with Leigh-Anne and.." I stopped talking. Was it a good time to mention Jade? Probably not.

Thankfully he interrupted me anyway. "Right, how's it going so far?"

"Stressful. No progress at all. But I did do some research and maybe I finally figured out which family tree she belongs to. That will help us.", I spoke.

That's when someone tipped on my shoulder. It was Jade. I recognized her smell immediately. I was aware how creepy that sounded, don't mind me. My heart immediately started racing and a part of me felt like Alex knew. Of course he knew, he could hear my heart beat. 

He looked at me questioningly. "Well, thanks Alex for the help in History, I really needed that extra information. I'll call you if I need more.", I said quickly before I turned around. I could hear Alex's footsteps getting quieter and quieter. That talk he and I were going to have was going to be fun. Sarcasm intended, obviously.

"Hey.", I smiled and Jade seemed surprised.

"Hey?" She was confused. She probably thought I was mad. "Well, I didn't expect that reaction."

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