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It's been a week since Jamil and I's magic carpet ride. These past few days, though our daily events are always the same, I can't help but think about him.

Being my usual self, the "happy-go-lucky Kalim", I always sneak at Jamil's back to see if he's talking to a girl. Sure I'm not as skilled as Jamil but I think I'm pretty capable on hiding.

Because I like him since we're young, I learned to hide my presence so I can stare at him the way I want to. It'll be terrible if he found out.

When I'm following him, I often see him smiling and laughing with a girl. So I thought, she's the one.

"Kalim... What are you doing?" Ahhhhhh he found me out!!!

"Ahhh hello Jamil!" Ahh.. As expected... "N-nothing!!! Hahahahaha By-" then he grabbed my hand as I'm supposed to run away.

"What's going on? Are you following me?" Jamil crossed his hands and raised his right eyebrow.

"Hehe o-of course not! I'm looking for ahh.. For my bracelet!!! I can't find my bracelet!!!" Such a lame excuse... Hahaha

Jamil sighed. "You know, you're not good at lying." Then raised my wrist. "Nothing's missing."

"Seriously???" See how amazing he is? He knows even every accessories I wear!! Perfect man...

"Now, spill it." Jamil said stomping his foot showing how impatient he is.

"W-well... I... Hehe I am curious about this person you like." out of embarassment, looked down.

"Ohhhh.... Kali-" I interrupted him though coz I suddenly got scared of what he's gonna tell.

"Ohh but sorry hahahaha It's really not nice to tail people sooorryyyyy!!!" after apologizing, I ran as fast as I could.

So I wasn't able to find out after all.


He's really curious, huh? I know he's been following me for a week but I didn't know that's the reason. I want to tell him... But it might lead into trouble. I might lose my head if someone knew.

I wonder what he's thinking We're going back to Night Raven College soon. I always see him spacing out or following me.

But I'm not the one to talk. I'm thinking about him too. Who he will court someday, to be wed with. I really hate this feeling... I think it would be best if I didn't hear anything at all, thanks to my trained ears.

I have to be sharp for Kalim's sake. Yes, I hate him but I love him. I want to be the most capable servant for him, the one who'll keep him safe...

The fact that Kalim still accepted me after my overblot incident, it made me fell in love even more. I betrayed him, hurt him but he cried and hugged me when my conciousnes went back. He stood up for me when our dorm members hated me.

Kalim... If only I am a girl... If only our status are equal... I want to be with you for the rest of my life.


"Jamil-senpai!!!" My fellow dorm member ran and called me, looking scared.

"What's the matter?" something's not right.

"It's dorm head Kalim!!!" He said huffing as he's running out of air.

"Where is he?" My eyes wide open I asked him. What am I thinking? Why did I let him out of my sight?

"At the dorm, please make it fast!" He said and I quickly ran to the Mirror Chamber.

Kalim.... Please be safe....

Luckily, there's no other people than me at the Mirror Chamber.

I quickly went inside and arrived at Scarabia. When I got out of the mirror it's quiet. Like there's no commotion at all. Is there something happened to Kalim? Why it's quiet in here?

With my skill, I investigate within the hall way till Kalim's room but he's not there. No one's at the dorm.

"Jamil-senpai!!!" The student from earlier.

"Where is Kalim?" I suddenly felt bad about it.

"Jamil-senpai!!! Come with me!!!" He said leading me the way... I can sense his nervousness along the way.

"Where is Kalim?" I'm getting impatient why won't he answer me?

"H-he's here...." then he opened the door.

"Jamil...." Kalim said with faint voice.

"Ja-" riiiiiiiinnnngggggggg....

Alarm clock....

What's that dream about? It feels so real.

I checked Kalim in his room and found him sound asleep. But my chest feels so heavy. It's like there's something bad that's gonna happen. Although I don't know what it could be, I might as well be on guard. I can't let something happen to Kalim.

I cooked our breakfast and just in time, Kalim is now awake.

"Good... morning, Jamil."

"Good morning, Kalim."

Half asleep, he went at my back and hugged me. In my surprise, I stopped with what I'm doing and like an outdated computer I feel like I'm loading.

"K-Kalim??? What are you doing???" My lips are protesting but I don't want him to let go so I still didn't move.

"Hugging... Appreciating my Jamil... Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!" he jumped by surprise and let go of me.

"M-my Jamil??? Since when did I become yours?" I became more surprised.

"Aaaaaahhhh Jamil don't mind it! Hahahaha. I was just half asleep. Hahahaha" then I sighed, though, I felt that I'm blushing. It might feel nice to be Kalim's boyfriend.

Kalim ate what I prepared for him and as always, he feels satisfied by my cooking. Though I'm a guy, I have to learn how to cook. It was part of my training as Kalim's servant.


Jamil's food is really delicious! Ahhh I'm so full.... The girl he likes must be really lucky. I bet he's bringing some food for her lunch.


My thoughts got ruined as someone grabbed me from my back


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