Hope? Or Not?

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"And that's why good news has arrived." Someone said after opening the door.

"Gakuenchou!" Kalim said with surprise and Epel gasped at the same time.

"How's Jamil?" Headmaster, Dire Crowley asked.

"Still the same... We can't find a cure... Vil-senpai is trying to make one but..." Kalim looked down, losing hope.

"By the way, Gakuenchou... What good news has arrived?" Epel asked. Kalim's face lit in an instant with hope.

"Me." Headmaster pointed himself. "I have arrived. That's all..." He said, full of pride!

"Ehh... Really?" Epel whispered getting annoyed.

"Anyway... I'm just going to tell you that someone can help you with Jamil's curse. However, this will cost you a lot." Crowley said.

"W-who?" Kalim asked with hope.

"Do you remember the one who helped Tiana find a way to go back from frog to human?" Dire Crowley said.

"Mama Odie?" Kalim asked a little bit confused.

"Yes!" Dire Crowley confirmed.

"Isn't she already...? Kalim doesn't want to mention the death word in front of Jamil's body.

"You're right! I have searched and found out someone learned her techniques. We can go and ask how to undo the curse." Dire Crowley said smiling.

"GAKUENCHO!" All the people in the room excitedly shouted with full of hope.

"Thank you so much, Gakuencho." Feeling relieved that there might be a way to undo the curse, Kalim took a deep breath and smile to their headmaster.

"It's no biggie, Kalim. If I can do something to help, I will. It's because I'm so kind." the headmaster said with his usual proud manner.

Meanwhile, in Jamil's thoughts...

"Kalim..." All Jamil can say. It has been so long since he's cursed. He thinks that he needs to protect Kalim from Nashim.

"Ugh... Why does it have to be like this? No one knows how to undo the curse. Even I can't figure out." He said to himself.

"I'm so useless. Instead of me protecting Kalim, it was me being protected by him." He said as he's getting impatient.

Back to Dire Crowley and the others...

"So... Who will go and ask Mama Odie's apprentice?" The head master asked.

"I'd like to volunteer!" Epel raised his hand immediately thinking that it'll be the best way to escape from Nashim.

"No. I don't think so." Rook said.

"Eeeehhhh... Whhyyyyy????* Epel asked disappointedly.

"You have a job, remember?" Rook said crossing his arms and smirked.

"Tch... I'm not getting something from him. It's boring and cringy." Epel said.

"Hmmm... Epel-kun is forgetting about our etiquette." Rook touches his chin with his fingers then Epel became silent.

"Anyway, if we have to find someone, isn't I'm the best option?" Rook said  claiming the job.

"Wait no!" Dire Crowley said.

"Whyyyy?" Rook got disappointed

"You also have a job, right? Don't leave Epel." Dire Crowley said.

"Ohhh..." Rook said and turned to Epel. "So our mission is still on." He then smirked at him then Epel pouted.

"You guys have to be at Jamil's side. I'll tell Vil about this. He and Kalim are going with me to find Mama Odie's apprentice." Kalim got surprised about what Dire Crowley said.

"Wait, I'm leaving Jamil?" Kalim asked.

"Obviously, you're the one who's in need. You're the one who's going to ask that apprentice." Crowley explained.

"Okay then... I'll make arrangements so I can leave. I'm worried but I guess I'll just have to do this as fast as I could." Kalim said looking at Jamil.

Then someone knocked at the door. Epel opened it and Vil entered then got surprised to see Dire Crowley.

Crowley filled Vil with their plans and he agreed.

"So Epel and Rook are just going to continue their mission to keep their eyes at Jamil?" Vil asked.

"Yes. I called a group of people to help us with the search. This will be a long journey." Crowley said.

"Gakuenchou... Why are you taking so long to call us?" Ace said while he, Yuu, Deuce, and Grim entered the room.

"Yeah we've been waiting in the room that was given to us." Yuu said.

"I'm really hungry..." Grim said.

"Hehehehe Hi!" All Deuce can say.

"Ehem... I was filling them in with the plan and let you guys rest. Because, I'm so kind!" Crowley proudly said.

"He just want to have a grand entrance." Ace whispered to Yuu.

"Anyway, we should leave as soon as possible. Someone might hear our plan if we talk about it too much longer." Crowley said.

"Understood!" All students acknowledged.


Hi everyone!

I'm so grateful that you are waiting for my updates. I'm so happy that you're actually reading my fanfic and looking forward for the next chapters.

Though I wasn't able to update much and took too much time, this story will still be continued.

Things are just getting busy on my end but know that I will always find time to provide updates of this story.

Please don't get tired of waiting. I'm so glad that you are staying and some of you are adding my fanfic to your reading list.

Loving you,

If Things Were DifferentWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt