Another Option

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"Son, do you like someone?" The sultan asked Kalim.

Yes. But Kalim just stayed silent.

"Or do you already have a girlfriend?" He asked him again.

"I haven't think about it." Surprisingly, Kalim went serious talking about it with his father.

"Well, you better think now. Girlfriend do not fall from trees. You need to marry soon." Thinking about it, Kalim looked worried.

Right, he need to marry so he can have an heir. But his heart only beats for Jamil. Thinking about it, he can imagine what will be his family's reaction if they knew about his feelings for Jamil.

Jamil, on the other hand, heard what the sultan said to Kalim. It gave him a pang in his chest when Kalim was being told about marrying someone. At least he's not forcing Kalim into arranged marriage.

He knew this day will come, but it still hurts to think that Kalim has to be with someone else. That he will be having a child as his heir. A fate of being the crown prince.

Sure Kalim has a lot of siblings. But he's still the next in line to the throne and they can't do something about it.

Jamil skillfully hid himself before walking away from the room. Still down, Kalim saw Jamil, his face light up and ran after him.

"Jamil!! Let's ride a magic carpet again!!" grinning as he felt happy seeing him again.

Jamil sighed, "Kalim... Are we gonna ride every night? Fine. Wait here. I'll get the carpet." Then he turned around and went to the stock room.

When he went back, he saw Kalim seriously looking at the sky. He thought, he must be troubled because of what the sultan told him.

"Let's go." Jamil said and Kalim smiled again.

"Alright!" Then they flew in the sky.


"Do you think being a prince next to the throne is a lucky thing?" I've been thinking about it the whole ride and I can't help but ask Jamil about his insights.

"If I'm gonna say it honestly, I think, it's better than to be a servant. You can do what you want, buy all you need, eat everything you desires. But when it comes to freedom, I think both of them are the same." Jamil's answer is really confusing.

"How so?" I finally asked as it still puzzles me.

"When you are a servant, you can never get out as you pleased. We have to return to our owners and obey every rule, their commands. Then as a prince,..." Jamil stops think again then talked. "As a prince, you have to act as a prince. Everything has been decided... From type of clothes you wear to your marriage." Then we became silent.

"Say, Jamil. Do you like someone?" I asked him, finally. I've been meaning to ask him that for a very long time. It's just that, I'm scared to hear his answer. Jamil looked at me in a second then sighed.

"It doesn't really matter if I do. It's not like someone would want a servant..." He said. Ohhh did I notice a change of character with that answer?

"I does matter. Tell me anyway." Ohoho I'm really curious.

"Fine. I do." he looked at me. Though I can't explain the way he look. It seemed different.

"But we're not meant to be. That person needs to be wed to someone else. I don't have anything to offer. I'm just a servant anyway." He said looking at the stars.

"That person is really lucky." I just said and felt hurt. Knowing him liking someone else is really hurtful to know.

"Not lucky. I don't have much money and it will only leads to chaos of I tell my feelings." he said smiling, though I can see that it's just a fake smile.

"Still, you like this person. I hope I can find someone, like you." I said but what I really wanted to say is I hope it's me who he likes.

"Hmmm... How about you? Do you like someone?" Jamil asked which has taken me off guard.

"A-aahh hehehe hehehe" I have to be wise. I can't let him know that it's him. Then I remember my dad's words. You have to marry a princess.

"It... It doesn't really matter. Even though I have feelings for that person, I still have to marry a princess. Sure, it doesn't matter who I marry with but I must have an heir." I said then Jamil just sighed.

"I like this person. The reason why I haven't seen anyone to be my bride is because I'm still looking for another option for us to be together. If I have to run away, I would." It's true. I don't want to be a sultan anyway. The only one I'd love to be is Jamil's lover.

I really don't care if he's just a servant. I really doesn't treat him as one. But he likes someone. Though, I haven't seen him talk with other girls or he doesn't talk about her. But I hope it's me.

If there is another choice I have. I want to tell him how I feel...

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