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"Shhhhhh." A guy whispered after covering my mouth.

I trembled of course. I got scared because I don't know who this guy is. I don't know his unique magic. I can't even see his face. So I stayed still and quiet.

"Kalim-senpai. Don't be alarmed. You're a dorm leader so I assume you're very strong." A guy said.

Wait I know this voice. "Wait, you're--"

"Surprise! Hehe" It's my cousin, Nashim! How did he even get here?

"Nashim! How? And you're dressed like us?" I asked looking at him up and down.

"Kalim, of course I'm a student... Don't you want me here? Aww I'm hurt..." He said faking a tear.

"It's not like that hahahaha. Hey! Welcome to Scarabia!! Why I didn't see you at the ceremony?" Yup, I definitely didn't see him there.

"What? Really? I was there swaying in front of you. Ohh but my hood is really covering my face so maybe because of that." He explained. I really can't remember.

"Ohh?? I really can't remember so maybe that's the case. Hahaha By the way, you already know right? We'll be having a welcome party for you guys tomorrow!" It became tradition everytime we have new dorm members and guest. We want everyone to enjoy as long as they're here.

"Wow! That'll be exciting! I can't wait! Well my mission succeed, I hope I didn't give you a heart attack. Bye!" He then danced while walking away. I can see that he's excited.

Classes went smoothly and now it's our lunch. Jamil is surprisingly always by my side. I can see him even if I go to comfort room. He's hiding but I can still see him. And now it's lunch.

I usually buy my food at the cafeteria with Grim, Yuu, Deuce and Ace but then Jamil prepared something for me. I'm happy but it feels strange. Oh well, at least I don't have to go around, hiding and follow him.


While Kalim is eating his lunch with his friends from other dorms, at the very distant, someone is watching him while smirking.

"Observing him is really fun."


I sense danger. I don't really know what it is but I can feel something's not right.

"Hey, we'll be having a welcome party for our new dorm members later. Would you like to join us?" Kalim said to Yuu, Grim, Ace and Deuce.

"It's your dorm's affair. Is it okay to for us to go?" Yuu said feeling worried.

"Of course! You guys are always welcome. Haha" he said, cheerful as always.

"Awww sorry, I have a flamingo duty later so I can't." Deuce said.

"Hmmm... As for me... I think I'll join you hehe Scarabia's foods are really good!" Ace was worried at first but became excited because of the food. I smiled thinking that someone appreciates what we prepare.

"Right! Jamil's cooking is great! Look! He prepared this lunch for me and I really love it!" It's a little bit embarrassing but I'm really glad he liked it.

"How 'bout you two?" He asked Yuu and Grim.

"Of course we'll go. Staying at our dorm is really boring. Hahaha" Grim immediately answered.

"Grim...." Yuu sighed. "Anyway, of course we'll join you! Thank you so much for inviting us! Hehehe" He said excitedly then eats again.

"That's great!!! It'll be fun!! Hahaha!" Kalim said, I can see that he's really happy. Wait, isn't he like that everyday, is he?


At the preparation of the party...

As always, I'm in charge at cooking. Kalim is helping too. Well, it's better than he's going around the dorm without my eyes on him. It's my job to secure his safety as his servant so it's convenient if he's where I can see.

Kalim is interested of cooking, though, he's having a hard time especially when it comes to measuring ingredients. He's trying hard, but I find it cute.

"Jamil, is this okay?" He showed me his minced mushrooms. Ohh he did well.

"Hmmm. I think it's still edible." Teasing him is the best! Now he's pouting.

"Hey, what do you mean?" He said while pouting.

"I'm just kidding. You did great. Well done! Now, these veggies." With a thump I put the vegetables on top of the table then he became surprised.

"Am I gonna prepare all of these?" Hohoho it's your choice to help.

"Of course!! Not. Just what you can and I'll take care of the rest." I said then we started to prepare all of it.

"Jamil-senpai, is this good?" Our dorm member called me to taste test the food he made.

"Yes. Well done!" The food really tastes good. And I really taste test the food if there is poison in it.

"Yaaaayyy!!" He happily yelled then went to serve it. I am really hands-on when it comes to food. Hmmm not just because I'm a servant but, you know, it's for Kalim's safety.

"Jamil... Am I doing this right?" Kalim showed me the vegetables he cut. I want to tease him a bit. Hehehe

"Let me see... Hmmm.. You've improved! I think it's still edible." Then I smirked.

"Hey! Are you saying that every food I made before is not edible?" Kalim pouted. Cute... Yeahhh really cute..

"Just kidding. But yeah. You've improved." I smiled as he's now learning. A little bit practice then he'll be able to cook for himself. At least if something happened to me, he'll live.

You'll have to marry a princess.

I remembered what the sultan had told to Kalim and my heart ached.

Yeahh... And probably, after he got married, I don't think I can still stay by his side.


At the Party...

"Jamil!!! Jamil!!!!!" The little prince is shouting Jamil's name.

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