The Woods

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Probably the hardest part is to leave someone you care about. You won't know if they're okay, they are happy but you're not there, or they have problems but you can't comfort them.

Okay let me stop before I went deeper with my words. Not that I can go back without doing something and just be by his side. I want Jamil to wake up with me as the first man he'll ever see. I want to be with him as long as forever...

But... Just a second thought... Does he wants to be with me?

Kalim's thought while they are searching in the woods. Kalim sure has feelings for Jamil but he doesn't know if Jamil has the same feelings for him.

Then he thought of what his father told him, "Marry a princess and have an heir."

Kalim, Dire Crowley, Vil and Ace continue looking for Mama Odie's apprentice. They have the magic carpet but they can't ride it in a small path.

"Ugh, I'm glad I changed into my PE uniform." Vil said with his face showing disgust when they walked in muddy place.

"Right, we have a broom but we're not riding it." Ace said and they all stopped.

"Ah..." Realizing he's right, they all pulled out their brooms and ride with it.

They searched and searched until night came, tired Kalim sighed and said, "Why can't we find that apprentice? Did the mirror take us to a wrong place?"

"I don't think so. It didn't happen before. The mirror is so precise." Dire Crowley said.

"But..." About to say something, Kalim noticed a group of fireflies approaching him.

They all looked at the fireflies sorrounding Kalim and Dire Crowley said, "I've seen this before... It was written on the book that the group of light will act as your guide." They all looked at Dire Crowley, surprised.

"That's right..." Kalim said and turned to the fireflies. "Can you help me find Mama Odie's apprentice? Please?"

The fireflies moved as if they understood Kalim and formed a line. It's as if they are guiding Kalim to the right way and they followed the path made by the fireflies.

While walking, Kalim noticed the two big stars in the sky. He then remembered that in Sam's world, there are two stars named Evangeline and Ray.

In the story, Ray, the firefly, is inlove with the big, and the most shiny star then he named it Evangeline without knowing that it's a star. Brave Ray, faught with the use of his tiny light until he was stomped off by his enemy. Then when he passed away, he turned out as a bright star beside Evangeline.

He now wonders if there will be a chance for him and Jamil. He doesn't like anybody else but him. If things are different, he wanted to be with Jamil only.

At the end of the light, they hear a voice humming. They walked till they reached where it's coming from then the man stops humming.

"No need to be silent I know you guys are coming." The man said.

They all looked surprised and Kalim said, "How did you know we're coming?"

"Who do you think I am?" The man isn't pleased at all. He might be the apprentice Dire Crowley is talking about.

"W-we apologize. Are you Mama Odie's apprentice?" Vil said in respect.

"Don't mention that old hag in front of me. Because of her... Because of her..." The man speaks, trembling with anger then he turned to face them. "I can't see anymore."

They huffed when they can't see but black in his eyes. No eyeballs. Just like a black hole you can't see anything inside. Then they all got scared that they can't say anything at all.

Realizing that, the man laughed. "Hahahahaha Relax guys, I'm just kidding."

"Huh?" They all said.

"I'm indeed an apprentice of Mama Odie. I'm Oscar. I'm already blind since I was a child, before I met Mama Odie. I hope I didn't scare you?" Oscar said.

"Ehem! Not at all! No worries. I wasn't scared. Are you?" Typical Crowley acting so tough.

"A little?" Kalim said.

"So... How did you know we're coming?" Vil asked.

"I maybe blind but I can see a lot through these holes" pointing his eyehole.

"Ehhh..." Ace covered his eyes. Well, his right eye is peeking through the gap of his fingers.

"I know something is going on when you guys set your feet into this land." He continued.

"You are Kalim, right?" Pointing at Kalim as if he can see him.

"Yes..." Amused, Kalim responds.

"Why are you here?" Oscar asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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