Home-Chapter 1

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It was like every other day at home but today something felt off. I felt something in the wind and I felt this energy flow through me. I saw pain, peace, love, warmth, and evil. I looked around the meadow of Endor and noticed a Resistance ship fly through the wooded part of my home. It was a mid-summer day and it was a hot day. That breeze from the resistance ship definitely cooled me down from working on the farm. I heard my mother yell my name "Nora!" I turned back and noticed my mother's face in a panicked. She yelled again "Nora! Get inside there's a war between the resistance and the First Order again! You need to get inside and hide!" I had an off feeling like my mother was hiding something from me and I quite don't know what. That same energy happened again and now all I felt was suffering. Someone near me was in pain, but if I ran off to find them I would get in trouble even though I am 24. 

I turned to my mother and felt the energy stronger and it was closer. By this time I was half way to my house on the farm and I couldn't move and I was frozen in place. I turned to my mother but she wasn't in sight but I could feel her fear. I was frozen in fear but my feet finally ran to my house, I was over-whelmed with this new feeling I have felt before but not to this extent. I made inside the house and my mother told me to clear my mind and stay put and stay inside. I was confused of the weird request she told me, but I did what she said. I looked outside and saw storm-troopers on our land and I saw this figure emerge from the woods and I was frozen in fear again. 

I felt a connection from this masked figure in all black. I couldn't explain how I felt a connection, I could sense that he felt the connect also. He told all the storm-troopers to leave and he will deal with this alone. My mother started to freak out and my father stayed remained and tried to calm her down. Then there was a knock at the door. My mother didn't budge but my father opened the door. What could someone want from us, we were scavengers and we bought our way out from it, after working years. This was our fifth year living peacefully and not worrying about anything because we were free. My father open the door and I heard a deep voice in the background and I heard my name called from the living room. 

I came to the living room where I saw the same figure from the woods. I asked why I was called to room and I figured out why I have felt something flow through me earlier. I was told I was force-sensitive and the figure told me he felt my presence and he wanted to train me the ways of the force. I was thinking to myself how could a tall, masked person tell I was force-sensitive, and who is he? He looked at me and said his name is Kylo Ren. Thinking in my head all I could think about is Kylo Ren, the Kylo Ren? The leader of the First Order? He turned to me and said "yes".

He turned back to my parents and asked if he could take me to be his apprentice. My parents looked at me with a fear that I could feel sensing that if they said no they would be dead. My parents looked at me and said it's up to her. I turned back and faced The Kylo Ren and I said, "I can learn to use the force? I thought that was a legend. Why now am I told it's real?" Kylo responded back "Yes the force is real and not many people have it." I turned to my parent and saw they had tears in their eyes. I said, " I can be useful and be able to help and not be stuck working on a farm all of my life, the farm isn't the life I want. I want to be a fighter and that's what I want to do." I turned to Kylo and said "Yes, I'll be your apprentice." He turned to my parents and said "Very well then, she should pack and be ready in thirty minutes."

The more I thought about it, there was little things that didn't make sense. I stretched my hand out a few years ago and my hand had this flow of energy and moved the object to my hand. I never really thought of it because I thought the force isn't real, and it was a myth. Without my parents knowing I did go to the local library and read about the force and I kinda knew I had it, I just acted dumb about it so my parents wouldn't know. My parents were against the force and I had no idea why. They also looked up to the Resistance and I don't know why. I don't agree with the Resistance, I believe they do things wrong. When I was packing I knew that I won't be on the light side, but in all honesty I was fine that I wouldn't be with the Resistance. I wanted to know why before I left. I called both of my parents in to my room and asked them why.

They responded back to me and they said they have seen the power and what it can do. They did not want me to grow up in that world because they knew I had the force. We lived on Tattoonie for the longest time and my parents desperately worked to get us off that desert planet. They told me that, that planet was a force sensitive planet and that they didn't want me to be consumed by the force. I was angry with what they were saying. They were keeping me prisoner so I can't become the powerful person with the force. The thing that bothers me is that I don't have any family and I know my dad was sold to work on Tattoonie and later he met my mother. My father doesn't know his family because he was sold at a young age and my mother does not like her family and I only met her side three times. But hopefully I will get answers soon because I knew they were lying. 

Thirty Minutes passed

After thirty minutes had passed I heard a knock at my door and Kylo was waiting for me. 

A/N!! I hope you like this! This is my first time ever writing and I hope you like it! <3

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