Light Sabers-Chapter 6

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After Snoke was done talking to me he told me to leave and leave him and Kylo together. I was confused but I left the room.

Kylo's point of view

"My boy I sense you growing stronger and father into the dark side of the force being with your apprentice or should I say love interest?" I thought I had that blocked out, she must have not had her barrier up. I'm a fucking idiot I should have taught her how to block him out. I looked at Snoke at him not knowing what to say. He spoke again "She's all in the dark side of the force. You can be with her. She is all yours. Do not let her go on the light side. Make her your Empress". I looked at him and kneeled and said "Yes, supreme leader. I will not fail you" I started to walk away from him and he said "Do not disappoint me. Both of you are feeding off each others energy and you both are growing father into the dark side. Stay that way." I turned to him and said "Yes supreme leader" and I walked out. I wanted to go see Nora, now knowing I can have a relationship with Nora. Before she left I probed into her mind and told her to go to my quarters and I'll meet her after. I was walking to my quarters and I felt her distress, and I followed where she was at. She heard the storm-troopers thinking about what they would do to her and she had both of them in the air and she was trying to force-choke them. She finally did and she did not want to kill them so she dropped them and they looked at each-other because no one knew why she was her and they did not know she was a force user. The storm-troopers saw me walk around the hallway and they stopped and saluted me. I stretched out my hand and put them in a force-choke hold. I probed their mind and made sure it was painful and I saw everything and I threw them into a wall. I grabbed Nora and we went back into my room and she sat down on my couch and put her head into her palms of her hands. She was distressed.

Back to Nora's point of view

I was walking to Kylo's quarters because he mind probe for me to go there and he'll be there after his meeting with Snoke. I was half-way to his quarters and I wanted to see what the storm-troopers were thing. I saw me in their minds and what they wanted to do to me. The one started to approach me and I saw his every intention. The other one thought the same and he started to approach me and he put his hand on my waist. I thought to myself that I wasn't going to be the victim anymore. I shot my hand and lifted both of them off the ground and away from me. I was learning how to force choke and then I finally got it. I thought of them suffocating and then I heard them. I threw them to a wall and they stood up and saluted and I turned around and saw Kylo. He used the force and brought them to him. He go into the one storm-troopers mind and saw what he was thinking and he laying a finger on me. He went into the others and saw him thinking disgusting things he would do to me. He was the one walking towards me. Next thing I knew is that I saw the troopers in the air and they were thrown into the wall. Next thing I knew is that Kylo grabbed my hand and brought me to his quarters. I went to his couch ashamed of just went down. Kylo came and sat next to me and he pulled me into his chest and let me cry. I calmed down and said "I was just learning how to read minds without them knowing, I thought they were going to be thinking about the weapons and not me. I did not want to do that, but my emotions over took me". I looked up to his eyes "I was going to tell you, but you saw everything that happened so I guess I don't have to tell you anymore" as I gave a slight laugh to ease the tension in the room. Kylo was looking in my eyes and he said "You don't need to explain yourself, you had your reasoning. If that happens again and I'm not around you tell me". I said to him "okay, I will". I rested my head back on his chest and rested my eyes, I felt so safe being in Kylo's arms. I shortly fell asleep on his chest and in his arms, I knew he will not do anything to me, and I know he'll protect me.

Kylo's point of view

I saw that Nora was distressed so I pulled her onto my chest and once she calmed down she explained the situation. I knew what already happened but I knew she need to get everything out and she did. She calmed down after I assured her everything will be okay. She put her head back onto my chest and she rested her eyes for a minute. That minute turned into an hour, I picked her up and put her on my bed and covered her in the sheets. I went to the end of my bed and grabbed a couple of blankets and went to the couch. Before I did, I heard her make a sound. I walked back into my room and she was crying in her sleep, she was having a nightmare or vision. I did not go into her mind to see it, I wanted her to know I won't invade her privacy. I walked to my closet and got some sweat pants on and went to bed with sweats on. I walked back to the couch and rested there. I had a peaceful sleep for the first time in a long time. I woke up before she did, so I went to my kitchen and made both of us some breakfast. I went into my room and knocked at the door and I heard her say "Shit! I fucking over-slept! Wait- who's room am I in right now?" I knocked one more time and then I heard her run to the door and opened it, and she looked me into the eyes then she looked down and saw my abs. She turned BRIGHT red, she looked at me confused what was going on. I looked at her and told her breakfast was done. She followed through the living room where she can see the blankets I used and she sat down at the table. I sat across from her and I can tell that she had no idea what was going on. I said "You fell asleep on me and I carried you into my bed and let you sleep there last night, I slept on the couch". She said "Ohhhh okay, thank you for clearing up the confusion. Also thank you for the breakfast". I told her "Yeah, you're welcome".  I started to tell her that we are continuing the the flying lessons and the duel lessons today. She looked at me with giddy eyes because she gets to train again and she is going to learn more today. I cannot wait for this woman to be along side with me with fighting, she doesn't know that I have a helmet being made for her right now and I have an outfit for her that will be more comfortable for her. I also got her a new wardrobe for her to have since she did not come here with a lo of clothes of anything like that.

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