Dreams-Chapter 8

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"Where did you go?"


No no no NO, this can't be happing again. NO

"You can't escape me. The force is connecting us. I will leave when it wants me to."

I looked down and saw this time I was in Kylo's clothes. 

I stopped and cleared my mind and thought of my home and we were there. I stopped and looked around and it was the hill with all the long grass flowing around. It was beautiful. I took a deep breath and said "Who are you." the person responded with "I'm your grandfather."

"I'm your grandfather"


I stopped for a minute and looked around for this grandfather of mine and couldn't find him. I said "If you're my grandfather why won't you show yourself? Why won't you leave me be. I want to leave this dream thing. Let me go. I won't change my path. Please leave." It took him a minute to respond and something flew by me and it was the sith text. My eyes grew wide and put my hand out and reached for it. I over powered this man who claims to be my grandfather. He said "Eh, not bad for someone who's learning, could have done better". I reached for my  light saber and it was in my hand, I ignited it. 

"Really trying to threaten me with a light saber now? You know I'm dead right?"

I said "Why won't you leave me the fuck alone then. I want to sleep and not be in this dream thing. I want to leave." 

"Like I said you and me can't leave until the whatever the force wants us to do."

Nora, Nora, NORA.

I felt someone shaking my shoulder


I un-ignited my saber and dropped it. 


I sat in the grass knowing I can't leave this, until whatever the force wants me to do.

I said "Then what does the force want me to do to leave this?". He said "I'm not sure if you want me to be honest". 


I said "Why can't I open my eyes? Why can't I move my body but I can move around here?"

He said "This is your mind and you can make your reality but you are still conscious in your mind. I see that Kylo hasn't taught you anything about force connections I'm guessing".

I said "What do you think you're getting at. I'm not going to crack."


"It seems to me that Kylo is trying to get you out of this right now, but you are struggling to leave. I know you're trying to leave but you know you can't".

I said "I do want to leave, I want this to be over. Though I want some closure before the force lets us go on our separate ways". He said "Ask some questions then". I said "First of all, are my "parents" actually my parents?". He said "They are not your parents, your parents gave you up and to keep your identity safe". I said "To keep my identity safe? To keep it safe from what?" He chuckled a little bit and said "To keep you off the First Order charts and keep you from the dark side. But what's happening now, you are consumed with darkness and there is little to no light in you. Some how you are not as vicious as the other siths. You aren't manipulated by Snoke or Kylo. Hmmm it seems like you were always influenced by it".

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