The Meeting-Chapter 3

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TW- sexual assault/strong language

I could dose off right now, as I closed my eyes I heard a knocking at my door. I went to my door and opened it and there was Kylo. I walked with Kylo to this chamber. We go into this elevator and it was a long black room and there was this man sitting on a throne. I stood closer to Kylo because this man freaked me out but somehow I was calm with Kylo near me. I noticed Kylo kneel so I did the same. Kylo talked in my head and told me this is Supreme Leader Snoke.

"Rise" is what I heard so I did. "Kylo Ren what have you come to bring me?" Kylo responded with "Supreme Leader I have found Nora, she is force-sensitive and she hates the Resistance". I felt my legs dangling in the air and I moved closer to this man. I could tell he was in a serious fight with the scar on his face. "Tell me Nora are you a spy for the Resistance?" I looked and him and said "No, I hate the Resistance and everything they do". It seemed like he did not believe me. "You have to prove yourself that you are against them" I heard. He force lifted me and put me back to my place next to Kylo. I heard Kylo start to talk, he said "Supreme Leader I came here to ask if she can be my apprentice? She has potential for being on the dark side of the force and can stand by my side". There was minute of silence and then I heard Snoke started to talk. Snoke said "She can be your apprentice, I see no light in her, she will be a good fit in the First Order".

"There one thing though Nora, if you fail'll be punished. Don't disappoint me." I heard Snoke say. I couldn't believe that I was going to be trained in the force. My parents always said the force is a deadly thing to have. I didn't realize that Snoke was reading my thoughts. He spoke again, "I can sense that you were told that you were told not to believe the force and it was deadly and a myth". I was taken back when he said that. I looked at him and said "Yes Supreme Leader, I was told the force was a myth, I would sneak out to read ancient text about the force and knew they were lying." I heard him go "Hm". I was confused because he started to ask questions about the text I've read. I felt this pressure on my temple and It was a painful pressure. Then he looked at Kylo and said "Bring the girl back to Endor and retrieve those books, they don't belong with the Resistance". Kylo looked at me and said "I know you hate that planet but we have to go and get those books right now". I heard the Supreme Leader say "Those books are the ancient text of the sith. My girl you know how to read sith. Only users of the dark side of the force can read it. I need you two to both retrieve them and bring it back to the appropriate owners". And just like that we were dismissed and I heard one more thing from Snoke, "Don't disappoint me Kylo Ren and Nora". Then we got back to the elevator. We saw General Hux on the outside of the meeting and listening to our conversation. 

I felt that ginger's asshole energy while we were in the meeting. I should have said something but I did not want to interrupt the Supreme Leader. I was learning how to probe into someone's mind and saw that he was going to the Supreme Leader and tell him that I'm Kylo Ren's slut. I can tell Kylo Ren saw the same thing I have saw. He looked at Hux and said "She's not my slut she's my apprentice and she wields the dark side of the force, I would be careful if I was you". Hux did not believe that I am a force user. I took his hat off of his head and it shot to my hand. He looked at Kylo and said "Very funny Kylo Ren, I know you did that". I looked at him and I probed myself into his mind and said "Do you believe me now? Can't you hear me talking to you?" I closed my eyes and put his hat roughly back onto his head. He seemed confused and I can feel the fear off of him.

Hux continued into Snoke's room and Hux started to lie to the Supreme Leader that I was faking the force and its Kylo Ren doing everything. I heard Hux gasping for air and I heard a loud band and I looked out and saw him laying on the floor. I simply thought that's what he deserves for calling me a whore and a slut. I chuckled and I can tell that Kylo felt the same. But he didn't laugh. We walked back to the hanger and Kylo told Captain Phasma told get a shuttle ready for a team of storm-troopers and Kylo and I walked to a Tie fighter that had two seats in it. It was a quick flight to Endor and we landed and shortly after so did the shuttle with the troopers. Before we got out of the Tie fighter Kylo turned to me and said "Be quick and don't be obvious that you are apart of the First Order and if they know say that you escaped and found yourself here." I turned to him and said "Yes master". He was confused that I called him master but he brushed that off. He showed me how to mind probe and how we can communicate without being near each other. 

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