Leaving Home-Chapter 2

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I got to the door and took a deep breath, relieved but an anxious breath. Somehow I felt comfort with Kylo but I felt fear in him. While we walked to the ship there was six other men. I can tell they all felt confused why Kylo had a girl walk with him to this ship. Kylo stopped a moment and turned to me saying "This is the Night Buzzard and these men are the Knights of Ren" I looked at him amazed with this. I felt safe with them all around me. I've seen these men before in my dreams. They were following this girl who was dressed in white robes and she's on a desert planet. One of my dreams this girl found me and was talking to me to join the Resistance I refused and she let me go, and told me if I change my mind they will always let me join in open arms.

I asked the a Knight of Ren where I can put my stuff and he showed me where and I set my stuff there. I walked back to Kylo and I could sense that Kylo heard and saw my thoughts. I asked Kylo if those vision were dreams or are they going to happen in the future. He turned to me and said "There is no way to know right now until it happens". In the distance I heard crunching deeper in the woods and I turned to Kylo and asked if there was any storm-troopers nearby, he said no. I saw something move and I saw the white robes and that girl who wanted me to join the Resistance. I turned to Kylo and said that's the girl who wanted me to join the Resistance in that dream. He turned to his knights and told them to keep me safe and he'll be right back.

I stayed in the Night Buzzer which seemed like hours and then I heard a bomb and the trees started to sway and shake from the explosion. I walked out of the ship and someone grabbed me and told me to be quite and come with him. He wouldn't let me take a minute to think before I knew it, I was in his arms and he had his hand over my mouth. I tried to scream but I couldn't. Then I saw that girl in the white robes. She turned to me with a frown and asked if I was kidnapped by Kylo ren. I was confused and scared, I told her no and let me go. She was taken back when I said no, Kylo did not kidnap me. Before I knew it she asked me to join the Resistance. I asked her what's her name and she replied "My name is Rey and I'm with the Resistance." I looked at the guy who basically kidnapped me what's his name, he replied with "I'm Finn and I'm also with the Resistance and now will you join the Resistance!" She asked me once again if I would join the Resistance, I looked at her dumb-founded and quickly replied no! I reached for Finn's blaster with my hand and somehow it flew into my hand. I quickly looked at her with the blaster and said "Where is Kylo Ren, and what did you do to him?" She told me to calm down and put the blaster down. Without hesitation I shot Finn and I looked at her and asked once again where is Kylo Ren. She turned to Finn and ran to help him then she looked back at me and said he is back in the woods where the Night Buzzard is at. I looked at her and ran back to the Night Buzzard.

I got back to the ship and I saw Kylo talking to his Knights to find me and he turned back and he was relieved to see me. I told him everything that happened and he said "Rey is with the Resistance and she is the Resistance best fighter of their ranks, she's also a jedi" I turned to him and said "Why didn't she try to stop me when I left? Do you think they are looking for me right now and trying to make me join the Resistance?" Kylo did not think about that she might be tracked right now. He looked at Nora and asked "Why did you choose to be with the First Order instead of the Resistance?" I looked at him and simply replied with "I do not like the way they are, and I don't agree with their cause." He was surprised with my answer and knew that Nora would be a good fit in the First Order. We quickly boarded the Night Buzzard except for Kylo he went alone in his Tie fighter and returned the the Star Destroyer base. 

Kylo's point of view

Today has been a crazier day than any of day has been. Its been the most stressful in fact. I was fighting the Resistance as always and we flew over Endor and I had a force connection and it was a dark connection coming down from that planet. I quickly notified General Hux that I need my Knights and have them follow me down to this planet. As I landed down in the forest the connection was strong then it went blank for a few minutes then I felt it again. I walked out of the forest to this house and saw a girl looking out a window not scared by me, she wasn't afraid of me. She was frozen because of confusion. She was confused but wasn't scared of me. I felt a lot of fear in that house besides her. I went to the door and knocked and this man opened the door and I can tell this man and woman were laced in fear and that they are with the Resistance. I hardly kept my cool but I felt calm for a second by this dark connection. I asked if they have a daughter and they said yes and called for her. "Nora come out here you have a guest" I thought to myself Nora such a pretty name to have. She came out of her room confused by why she was called out to the living room after she was told to hide. I can tell she knew little about the force but she knew that she was consumed by the dark side of the force and she didn't like the Resistance. Which was weird because her parents are part of the Resistance. She was taken back by my appearance and she wanted to know my name, I was reading her mind and I responded back to her that my name is Kylo Ren. She was shocked by how I replied back to her after she thought that she didn't know my name but she had an idea it was Kylo Ren. I turned to her parents knowing they will never let me take their daughter to let me train her and let her be my apprentice. When I asked her she said yes. She acted all dumbfounded when I told her she has the force, I read her mind and saw that her parents told her the force is a myth and it's not real. 

She wanted out of this house and she did not want to work on her farm because she wanted to be a fighter and help the First Order but she could never tell her parents that. It seemed to me that she has had a rough childhood and not a good relationship with her parents. I told her to pack her stuff that she wanted to bring and be ready in thirty minutes. In those thirty minutes I felt her emotions get stronger because she knew her parents were lying to her and she couldn't wait until she was gone from Endor. In those thirty minutes I talked to my Knights and what our plan of action is going to be, and how we are going to defeat the Resistance. I knew something was off, so I left earlier and ran to get Nora. I knew her parents called for the Resistance to come and get Nora away from me and keep her on the light side. I knew there was no way to hell she would turn but I needed to get her out of this planet. I knocked on the door and it took her a second she was anxious but relieved that she was leaving. She turned to her parents and said goodbye. We got to the Night Buzzard and I told her that those six men she sees are the Knights of Ren. She felt safe with them. I was seeing her thoughts and she showed me her visions about the Knights. I was completely shocked when I saw the visions. She turned to Kuruk and asked where she can put her stuff. He showed her where and she returned and I was still in shock what she let me see. She asked me if those were just dreams, and I honestly did not know if they were dreams or if they were force visions. 

We heard branches snapping in the background and I knew it was the Resistance coming for Nora. But one thing they didn't know about her is that she will not join the Resistance, she is consumed with the darkness and she does not like them. I left and I felt the scavenger Rey was near and I took off after her. I felt a disturbance with Nora. That traitor FN-2187 kidnapped Nora. I quickly ran away from Rey and I knew she was going to find FN-2187 and Nora. I quickly ran to the Night Buzzer where my Knights were and asked them what happened. I was extremely pissed with my Knights because they did not go after her and save her.  We talked about a plan to go find and save her, before I knew it I heard her stomping up on the ramp and she found her way over to me. I saw the blaster and she showed me what happened. She shot that traitor in the leg and ran off to me. That's the first that's ever happened to me. If anyone was in that situation they would had gladly fled with the Resistance. But she did not. It amazed me that she has her loyalty to me. We came up with a plan for her to safely get on board the Star Destroyer base. I wish she could have rode with me so I can keep her safe but there is only one seat in my Tie fighter.  

Back to Nora's point of view 

I was anxious about being on the Star Destroyer and with all of the storm-troopers and many First Order generals. I have never been in a First Order ship or been around it but I knew this was going to be my new home and I should get used to it. I grabbed my bag and handed Kylo my blaster and then we were met with General Hux. I could sense General Hux was not fond of Kylo nor me. I was excepting that he would not be fond of me because I am new and I just came off the Night Buzzard with the Knights of Ren. But surprised that he hated Kylo. Kylo turned to Hux and said "General Hux this is my apprentice you are to treat her with respect and do nothing to her." He turned to Kylo and said "Why should I respect your whore right there" I looked at Kylo and I could tell he was reading my thoughts and turned to me and said "Don't do that because you will get punished for that and it would not be a good one by Snoke." Kylo turned to Hux and said "Call her a whore again, you won't see another day". I wanted so badly to force choke him and kill him right there, but Kylo calmed me down. Kylo walked me to room that was so elegantly designed. The interior was black with some red, silver, and white finishes, it was a beautiful design. I stepped in and put all my stuff in the "living room" and Kylo told me that we have a meeting with Snoke in ten minutes. He left my new elegant quarters and it gave some time to relax for ten minutes. 

A/N I know these chapters aren't long but I'm sure they'll will be longer in the future! I hope you enjoyed this so far!! <3

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