Training-Chapter 4

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TW- Strong language, and discussions about rape! 

I started to tell Kylo about the Resistance scum. I told him That's not my first time that I've encountered him... its also not the first time he's put his hands on me. Kylo looked at me and said I had a feeling that it wasn't the first time because you told me again. 

I looked at Kylo with tears in my eyes and said I tried to get my justice, but no one believed me. No one did, they all looked at me crazy and said that I was lying and started to call me a whore and a slut because they thought I was looking for it. Then of course they asked what I was wearing but what does that have to do? I was completely covered up and none of my skin was showing but no one believed me. 

Kylo looked at me and asked Did your parents believe you? I looked at him and said Not even my parents. They said he would never hurt me or do anything like that. They trust him and that's their best friend and he got away with everything and still trying to use me.

Kylo was visible pissed. I looked at Kylo and asked if I could kill him. He looked at me and said "Only if I can get a couple of hit in, but before that we have to train you to be a fighter and have you learn more of the force." I looked at him and put my hand out and said "Okay I agree". I was relieved that Kylo Ren believed me. It was the first that someone has ever believed me and for once I have felt the safest I've ever been. I looked at Kylo with tears in my eyes again and said "Thank you" he looked at me confused and said "For what?" and I looked away and said "For listening to me and believing me about that bitch." he said "Then you're welcome" he walked over to me and wiped a couple of my tears away and gave me a hug and said "You are safe here, none of the people in this building will hurt you or do anything to you and they will treat you with the respect and if they don't I will deal with them okay?". I looked up at him and said "Okay". 

He broke out of the hug and looked and me and said that he has to go, and he will come and get me at 0700 in the morning for training. He left me some training clothes and there is a whole closet full of clothes besides mine. He grabbed his helmet and put it back on and he left. I have only saw the living area of the quarters so I got up from the couch and decided to explore. I went to the door to my right and saw its a closet. I already seen the kitchen and the pantry and it was huge. Then I saw another door and it was a bathroom and there wasn't anything special about it, but it had blue led lights under the sink and it looked really cool. I saw one more door behind the couch and it was my bedroom. I opened the door and there was a large queen bed and the room was huge. The bed had a black bed set and the room was grey, and white with some red in it. There was two more doors, I opened the one and it was a huge walk in closet. I walked into the other door and it was a large bathroom that was white and black and it had a large shower. I opened the drawers and saw it had a brush some pony tails, hair care stuff for the first drawer. The second drawer had razors, body washes, soap, and  deodorant. The last drawer had feminine care and that stuff. I walked into the shower and saw there was brand new bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a loofa. I saw there was another door in the bathroom and it was a closet for towels and toilet paper. There was also led lights and I can change the colors.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw it was 2100, I grabbed some pajamas out of my duffle bag and took a shower. I had a cut on my ribs, I didn't know where it was from. After I got out of the shower and got dress the wound but I knew it was deep enough where I need to get stiches. I forced connected to Kylo and asked where the med bay was at and not even five minutes later he was at my door. He asked me what happened and I told him I found this cut and I don't know where I got it from but its deep enough to get stitches. He took me to the nearest med bay and watch the nurse stitch my wound and told me I should be able to do anything because the wound wasn't at a place where it can break the stitches. Kylo walked me back to my room and I thanked him for taking me there and back to my room. He left and I went into my living area and grabbed my bag and started to organized the way I wanted. I grabbed all of my clothes and put them in the closet. I didn't have much with me, but I did bring a couple of things to decorate around my new home. After I did that I noticed the time was 2300 so I decided to go to bed.

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