Pain Leads to Strength-Chapter 12

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Finn's point of view 

A/N- Poe- italics. Finn- regular. Rey- underlined.

"What the fuck did she mean Finn"

"Poe I don't fucking know what she was talking about"

Rey walks in

"Can you stop your fucking fighting, I have a headache."

"Sorry Rey, it's just Finn not fucking telling us something"

"What does that mean Poe? Do I need to get Leia?"

"No Rey we don't need Leia. Kylo's whore was messing with my mind earlier."

"Well what did she say?"

"She kept saying you don't know yet do you, and just acting weird. Even more weird when we first met her."

"Hm that's weird Finn. Do you know what she was saying or do you know what she was talking about?"

"No. No I don't. Poe doesn't trust me. I swear that I don't know. I hope you believe me Rey."

"Why should we trust you Finn? You were apart of the order, and you just left with me."

"Poe I swear I'm not lying I don't know what she was talking about. And I saved your ass and I left the order to join the Resistance. I am not any part of that First Order shit."

"Can you guys just stop fighting, Finn is with us. He isn't going anywhere Poe. Please just stop fighting, I'm going to try to sleep."

"No, what if we can't trust him? What if he's a fucking spy like Kylo's bitch?"

"Poe I swear to Ashla I'm going to fucking throw you across the room with the force. Just shut the fuck up you two. We will finish this fucking discussion tomorrow whether you like it or not. Go to sleep and rest. We have to plan an attack soon. Night you two."


"Sorry Rey, that's fine. Night."

Nora's point of view

A/N- Kylo is bold as usual. 

Shit. What if I gave to much hints that he's force sensitive? If he knew already, he would be training to be Jedi already. I hope I didn't give to many hints. I need to stop over thinking.

Nora, your thoughts are loud, please block your mind. I'm trying to sleep. I'm sure you didn't give any hints. I saw and heard what you said. He is weak minded. Rey would have felt him in the force and she doesn't. Please just come back to bed and sleep.

Sorry. I over think too much. I'll be in bed in a few. Just go back to sleep okay.

Alright. Just hurry back in bed.

I will Ky.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a muja muffin that I made earlier in the day. I ate my muffin and went back to bed to see Kylo sitting criss cross on the bed. I could tell he was meditating. He felt me walking into the room and he opened his eyes and patted the bed, telling me to meditate with him. 

You're stressed and I can feel it and its affecting me. You need to calm down, I can hear all your thoughts right now. We are going to meditate.

I'm sorry about that. 

We meditated for a good fifteen minutes and it calmed my thought and was able to calm down. I curled up to Kylo and fell asleep with my head on his chest and he had his mind opened without knowing and he was just in love. He was comfortable, and was just in love. He is in love with me. I mean we have been  together for almost a year. But neither of us "I love you" we both don't know how to say it to someone. I guess he thinks I'm asleep so I moved my head looking up at him. 

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