Starkiller Base- Chapter 14

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Kylo woke up around 0230 and woke up Nora.

"I have to leave now Nor."

Nora yawned and rubbed her eyes

"This early?"

"Yes, it's the first day for the base to be shown. I have to be there."

"Okay, please be careful, I've had visions. The Resistance is going to attack the base."

"I'm sure they will, but I will be fine."

"I love you be cautious."

Kylo bent down and kissed Nora on her lips.

"I will, I love you too."


"Bye Nor, you are in charge of this base. If something does happen you are the new commander."


"You heard me. There's no discussion about it."

"Don't die okay?"

"I won't, go back to bed. I have a schedule for you today, I'll be back soon."

"Okay, bye. Love you."

"Love you too."

Kylo leaves the room 




A/N- Obi is underlined, Nora is regular.

Wow, you're not going to go with him?

Not you again. 

I'm your Grandfather

And? I've only met you through these visions.

I have always been with you. Just now the force wants us to talk to each other.

About what this time. What even is there to talk about?

I'm not sure.

I just want to go back to sleep. Can we make whatever this is quick.

Go with the Resistance, don't be with the First Order

Not happening.

Why not?

I don't agree with anything with the Resistance.

So uncivilized.

Yeah. yeah. I'm leaving. 

Nora started to meditate and leave quickly from the force vision.

Beep BeEp BEEP

Nora smacks the alarm.

Oh for kriff sakes shut up. 

Nora gets ready for the day, and start to do her job that Kylo left her to do.

Nora gets into her battle suit knowing that the Resistance is about to attack any time and to be more intimidating to General Hux. To show power and be authoritative. She put on her mask with a voice muffler to make her sound more powerful. 

Nora had to fly a ship to the Steadfast

All the storm troopers and some of the major generals lined up when she walked out of her tie phantom.

"General Hux"

"Nora. I see you are copying Kylo now. I am leaving to Starkiller base so General Pyrde is in charge."

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