Proposal-Chapter 13

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A/N- Kylo is bold as usual!


I watched as Kylo got onto one knee and pull a box out.

"Nora, you are one of most beautiful, and most powerful woman I have ever met. I am honored to be your boyfriend and be with you. I've never felt this way with anyone but I know that you are my peace, love, and hope. Ever time I see you I fall more in love with you. You are my middle ground. Nora, will you marry me and be my empress?"

I put my hand to my face to cover the fact that I was ugly crying.

"Yes, yes I would Kylo."

"I love you Nora."

"I love you too."

"I know its a fast proposal and I know we just said our first I love you. But know I have loved you for a long time."

I didn't even reply and I just pulled Kylo in a passionate kiss and hugged him. After a minute he  put the ring on my finger. 

"Holy shit Kylo. Where did you get this ring at?"

"That is a personalize ring. There is no other like it."

"Its beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it."

"Like it? You mean love it?!"

"The reason why the Knights weren't there when we were fighting the Resistance was because they were getting that ring

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"The reason why the Knights weren't there when we were fighting the Resistance was because they were getting that ring."

"They all went to get a ring?"

"Two of them did, the others went on a mission to see where the Resistance fled to."

"Make sense. But this a beautiful ring. It will match everything I wear also"

"I know, that's why I chose that one."

"It's a beautiful ring."

"You keep going to say it's beautiful?"


"You're cute"

"Yeah okay, I just got done ugly crying. I'm sure my makeup is messed up."

Kylo chuckled.

"Want to go back to the Finalizer?"

"In a few minutes. I just want to collect myself before going back onto their."


Nora and Kylo walked back to the tie fighter hand in hand.

Upon arriving on the Finalizer they were automatically "greeted" by Hux. 

A/N- Hux is underline, Kylo is bold, and Nora regular

"Commander Ren, the Resistance is in the D'Qar system."

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