The Resistance-Chapter 10

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T/W- mentions of abuse, rape, suicide attempt and self harm.

I was trying hard not to fall asleep like actually fall asleep but apparently the cuts that I gave myself did make me weak. But before the Resistance I made myself look like that I was in trouble and that I was relieved that the Resistance is here to save me. I think it paid off. 

I felt useless with not using the force, I felt more weak and fragile. I just want to get this damn mission done and over with. But I know it is going to take forever because they need to trust me and I might have to go on missions with them. If I see anyone from the First Order they are going to think I'm a traitor but in reality I'm not. 

I did fall asleep on this cot that I was put onto, it was pretty comfy. I eventually woke up because I felt like I was being carried but they were running. I woke up and saw that someone was running and carrying me at the same time. Then I remembered what I did to myself, I made myself look like a hostage and I did harm myself pretty bad. I'm definitely going to have nasty scars but oh well. I think I fooled Rey because I just did drink the poison in my hand when "I fainted".

"Hey, hey, hey calm down, you're safe now. I'm taking you to the med bay" said Poe.

"Where am I?

"You're on D'Qar, on the Resistance base. Don't worry you're safe" Poe said.

"Okay and what hap-" and I actually fainted this time. The poison started to take its effect.  

"FUCK. I need to get her to the med bay fast. CLEAR THE WAY NEED TO GET THROUGH." I heard and then his speed picked up. 

I woke up and I was in a med bay, and I had bacta patches all over me. 

Then I looked around and saw Rey sitting in the corner waiting for me to wake up. She hadn't noticed I woke up and I made the first move.

A/N- Rey speaking is bold. Nora's is italics.  




"Where am I?" 

Rey sprung off of the chair and walked over to me with a smile and said "You're in the med bay with the Resistance"

I looked at her with concern and said "What happened?"

"I found you hidden in the closet and you had cuts all over you and you just drank some poison to kill yourself. I need to ask you questions before anything else. Please corporate when I ask you questions"

I nodded 

"Who did all of the cuts and bruises?"

I replied with "Kylo Ren"

She nodded and then she asked "Where you kidnapped or go willing?"

I looked at her and made some fake tears and said "Kidnapped. I never wanted to go with him".

She came closer and wrapped her arm around me to attempt to "calm" me down, even though this is all an act. She pulled away and sat back down on the chair.

"Were you trying to kill yourself when I found you?"

"Yes. I had enough of the First Order and all of the abuse. I can not take it anymore. I hate it there, I hate everything there. I hate Kylo Ren, I hate everything about the First Order".


"Yes, I was tortured, and raped. I had enough being locked in a room and not being able to do anything" as I said with a few sniffles in between. 

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